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5 planets alignment: When and where to catch this phenomenon

5 planet allignment watch western sky sunset

5 planets are going to align for a family portrait in the westerns horizons during sunset. You can enjoy this rare sight of the parade of five planets in the sky on Tuesday, March 28. However, if you’ve missed it then no need to worry as the parade will remain visible for at least a week.

Five planets that will be visible in the night sky are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Uranus. They will align in a line like protective angels. Adding to the spectacle, Saturn will also appear for a short period in the early morning hours on March 27 and March 28.

The cheery on the cake is that you won’t be needing a telescope or binoculars to spot Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in the sky. Mercury and Uranus will be comparatively difficult to view. They can be viewed in more clarity with the use of binoculars or a telescope.

5 planets align: When and where to find the planets in the sky?


Noah Petro, a scientist with the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter project at NASA described the phenomenon as ‘heavens aligning.’ Although the aligning of plants isn’t new or particularly rare, it will still be magical to see five planets align on the horizon.

“If you have a telescope, you can dust them off or a pair of binoculars; it’s a great excuse to get out and look for the night sky. And if you don’t, you can still see these planets.”

The best time to view the five-planet parade is right after sunset on Tuesday, March 28. The planets will remain brightest during the first 30 minutes of the sunset. Hence, you will need to be quick and prepared. However, If you miss the sight on Tuesday, then you will only be able to enjoy the planets in a similar pattern in 2040.

How to spot the planets on the horizon?


You will be able to view the planets on the Western horizon right after sunset. According to Bill Cooke, a lead at NASA’s meteoroid environment office, you’ll see these five planets strung out in a line extending about 50 degrees. It means the planets will extend from the sky’s horizon to about halfway up.

The morning star Venus will be the brightest of all. Therefore, even if you’re in the city or an area with significant light pollution, you still will be able to see it. The red planet Mars will also be visible, and it will be closer to the Moon.


Although the best viewing of the planetary gathering is Tuesday night, there is still time to see the spectacle in the upcoming week. The planetary fete will happen every night until March 30.

You may have a hard time locating Jupiter as it becomes more difficult to see due to it sinking closer to the horizon during the rest of the week, as per NASA ambassador Tony Rice’s email to Washington Post.

However, the week’s other days can actually provide better opportunities to see Mercury. Due to it placing another degree between it and the horizon through mid-April.

Regardless, of day and place do make sure to take some time out at sunset this week and gaze towards the western horizon. You will be able to catch the five planets with a telescope, binoculars, and even with the naked eye to some extent.

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