Home » Assassin’s Creed Mirage: Help Kong Questline – How to beat Harbormaster

Assassin’s Creed Mirage: Help Kong Questline – How to beat Harbormaster

AC Mirage: Harbormaster Defeated

During the ‘Help Kong’ questline in AC Mirage, you may run into trouble figuring out how to beat Harbormaster, a mysterious member of The Order who has affected the businesses of local sellers like Kong.

This guide will walk you through the entire ‘Help Kong’ questline, including what strategies and tools to use so you won’t have trouble defeating Harbormaster in AC Mirage.

Help Kong in AC Mirage

As players progress through the story of Assassin’s Creed Mirage, they will get to know more about the story behind how the Hidden Ones have established themselves in a world full of corruption and power play. Right after Old Wounds, you will start the Branching Out mission wherein we reunite with some familiar faces to work on bringing more of the Hidden Ones in the different parts of Baghdad.

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At the beginning of this questline, Abu Jafar will offer Basim new tools he can use to make missions easier. Although you are free to choose which tool you want to unlock, we highly recommend getting the Blowdart tool to make the ‘Help Kong’ questline in Assassin’s Creed Mirage easier to complete.

Help Kong - AC Mirage

After finishing a few more quests, you will meet up with Roshan again and this is when you find your old friend, Kong. As you catch up with him, the merchant enlists Basim’s help in getting his wares back from the guards who confiscated them.

Help Kong - 2

Retrieve the tea for Kong

Kong points Basim in the direction of where his seized tea leaves are. Approaching the area will give you a warning that it is restricted, meaning guards will kill you on sight if they catch you snooping around.

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Fortunately, you have the Blowdart tool in your arsenal. This will come in handy so you can avoid detection by the guards and quickly retrieve the tea leaves to help Kong.


Take out the guards inside with the Blowdart

You can easily sneak past the guard outside and use the Blowdart on the two enemies inside to incapacitate them. Once the guards on the ground level are asleep, use the ladder and go up. Careful as there will be another guard on the second level.

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You can either take him out with the Blowdart or assassinate him so you can gain access to the crate of tea leaves stashed away behind a large shelf.

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After dealing with the guard upstairs, interact with the shelf and pull it back to reveal two of Kong’s crates stashed there. The quest only requires you to carry just one of the two crates, so be careful not to drop or damage it.

Kong's Crate of Tea Leaves

Use the window to avoid detection

As you help Kong in this quest, you must find a way to exit the restricted area while still keeping the crate of tea leaves intact. To do this, go to the window where the lone guard was standing by earlier and unbar it.

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Basim can then hoist himself over the ledge while still holding onto the crate of tea leaves. Jump down from the platform above and make your way back to Kong. There is a chance you will walk past the guards outside but keep walking before they can get a chance to realize who you are.

Who is the Harbormaster?

The Harbormaster is the one causing problems for Kong and his business. Recently, he has blocked the importation of foreign goods, directly affecting Kong’s local business. He is in charge of guarding the Confiscation Warehouse where Basim must retrieve Kong’s wares in order to gain entry into the Grand Auction.

Kong and Basim

Locate the guarded warehouse

The second part of the questline to help Kong in Assassin’s Creed Mirage is by figuring out why the guards stop and confiscate everything that passes through the road and the river. Basim suspects the guards are looking for something, but Kong is more concerned about how this affects his business.

Warehouse Location

Then, he tells you about where the guarded warehouse of the Harbormaster is located. This is where you can find the confiscated items Kong is talking about. In exchange for helping Kong, he will do his best to get Basim into the Grand Auction.

Remain undetected as much as possible

When you finally enter the restricted area, it’s best to stick to the bushes and remain invisible to the guards. This is also where your Eagle Vision is best used as it will highlight important details like threats and treasure around you.

Since the Confiscation Warehouse is a restricted area, the place will be swarming with guards. We recommend lying low and sneaking into the buildings to avoid unnecessary encounters with the guards. One of the best ways to do this is by using the roofs to get around.

Find information about the Harbormaster

While infiltrating the Confiscation Warehouse, your main objective is to find information about the Harbormaster. You will also see that this is where most of Kong’s things ended up after the guards have seized them.

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Although the area is large, the best way to know if you are near a quest objective is by listening in on the guards. Those talking to themselves usually have the items Basim needs to learn more about the Harbormaster. These items are pieces of paper on the desk which you can examine after taking out the guard.

Note for seized goods

Find the Harbormaster

After collecting information about the Harbormaster’s identity and possible connection with The Order, the case for the Confiscation Warehouse is now closed.

The Harbormaster

Basim’s next objective is to assassinate the Harbormaster.

How to beat Harbormaster

Follow the quest marker and clear out any enemies standing in your way at the Harbor Camp. You can make use of the water surrounding the camp to remain undetected. Again, it’s important to be careful when entering the restricted area as there are guards all over.

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Use Enkidu’s abilities to highlight important objectives in the restricted area. Be careful not to be seen by any of the enemies patrolling the area.

How to Beat Harbormaster - Assassinate

The Harbormaster will be surrounded by more guards. If your Focus Bar is charged, consider assassinating them altogether to avoid the alarms in the area going off.

How to Beat Harbormaster - Confirm

After successfully taking out the Harbormaster, approach his corpse and confirm the kill. Your quest on how to beat Harbormaster has now ended, so you must return to Kong to inform him of the corruption at play and get the bigger picture about an interesting artifact.

We hope this guide to Help Kong in Assassin’s Creed Mirage helped you out! If you have any more questions about how to beat Harbormaster or how to complete this questline, feel free to leave a comment below.

Want more help on your journey across the rich world of Assassin’s Creed Mirage? Check out our other guides here.

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