Home » Assassin’s Creed Mirage: Tales of Baghdad | All Locations

Assassin’s Creed Mirage: Tales of Baghdad | All Locations

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For gamers who find themselves wandering off the main path of the game, they may encounter quick, fun side quests in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. These are usually classified under the Tales of Baghdad, and they do not have quest markers indicating where you must look. If you seek 100% completion in AC Mirage or you want to take a quick break from the main quests, check out our guide on all locations for the Tales of Baghdad.

All Locations of Tales of Baghdad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

The best way to find these short side quests is by exploring what the world of AC Mirage has to offer. With each city you visit, there’s bound to be surprises awaiting Basim. From the name itself, these side quests aim to show you that there’s more to the game than assassinating members of The Order or figuring out puzzles located in underwater chambers. Furthermore, completing these side quests is a great way to engage with the rich, open world around you.

That said, here are all the locations of the Tales of Baghdad in AC Mirage.

  1. Harbiyah
    • Holy Mission
  2. Abbasiyah
    • Blade in the Crowd, Tool in the Shed
    • A Life’s Work
  3. Karkh
    • Leap of the Faithful
  4. Wilderness
    • Treasure Hunt
    • Curse Of the Si’la’

The only territory that does not have its own side quest for the Tales of Baghdad is the Round City.


Holy Mission

For this side quest, you will find yourself in a graveyard somewhere in Harbiyah. Follow the icon on your map until you see an NPC by one of the gravestones. You can use your Eagle Vision to scan the surroundings, and this will easily show you where the NPC in question is.

Assassins Creed Mirage Tales of Baghdad All Locations - 1
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

Approach the man in black and talk to him. After your conversation ends, you can go to the gravestone with red roses and interact with it. Be prepared as enemies will appear after you are done inspecting the gravestone in question.

Assassins Creed Mirage Tales of Baghdad All Locations - 2
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

Successfully completing the mission will require defeating the enemies alongside the Monk.


Blade in the Crowd, Tool in the Shed
AC Mirage Tales of Baghdad - Blade Map
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

For the first Tales of Baghdad in the Abbasiyah territory, you must look for a member of the Hidden Ones. When you find the Assassin, he will lead you to a restricted area. You need to take out the corrupt guards, but you don’t have to worry about remaining undetected during this Tale.

AC Mirage Tales of Baghdad - Assassin
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

When you finally defeat the enemies, talk to the Assassin again to finish the quest.

A Life’s Work
AC Mirage Tales of Baghdad - Life Map
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

Moving onto the second Tale, use Fast Travel to the Observatory Viewpoint. Perform a leap of faith and land in the pile of hay below. When Basim emerges from the hay, have him talk to the man sitting on a nearby bench.

AC Mirage Tales of Baghdad - Life NPC
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

The next part of the quest begins when the man collapses and tasks you to find three pages. Luckily, you won’t have to look far for these pages as they are scattered around the Observatory.

You can use Eagle Vision to quickly locate these pages. Here are their locations:

  • First Page – Go to the small building on your left. Activate Eagle Vision to find the lost page. When Basim gets close to it, wind will blow the page but will eventually stop in one of the corners of the Observatory.
First Page
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube
  • Second Page – For the second page, you must find a way to get into the Observatory to retrieve it. Go to the back of the building and use the movable shelf which you can push to the left. Now that the shelf is out of the way, equip your Throwing Knives and aim at the door lock. When you hit the door lock, you can now step into the Observatory and go upstairs to retrieve the quest item.
Second Page
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube
  • Third Page – The last page can be found at the top of the Observatory. All you have to do is use the Viewpoint again to get up there and retrieve the last page near the large device.
Third Page
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

To finish the second Tales of Baghdad in Abbasiyah, return to the man and talk to him. After a few lines of dialogue, you can check this side quest off your list.


Leap of the Faihtful

As you get closer to this Tale, you will hear children seemingly trying to talk their friend out of doing something dangerous. When you are at the quest location, make your way up to the tower and stand beside the young boy.

Assassins Creed Mirage Leap of the Faithful Quest How to Complete - 1

Interact with him and listen to his reason as to why he climbed all the way up. After your conversation ends, have Basim perform a leap of faith into the haystack below. Emerge from the hay, and Basim will call out to the young boy to perform the leap.

Leap of the Faithful Jump

Once the boy successfully lands in the hay, he will exchange a few words with Basim again. The Tale ends with the Young Eagle walking off with his impressed friends.


Treasure Hunt

Locate the last house by the water and talk to the woman standing in front of it. This triggers the quest, and all you have to do is dive into the water and make your way into the house.

AC Mirage Tales of Baghdad - Treasure Hunt Map
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

You can either destroy or bring the blue jar out after unbarring the door. Once you give it to the woman, the side quest ends.

AC Mirage Tales of Baghdad - Treasure Hunt 2
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube
Curse of the Si’la’

For the second Tales of Baghdad in the Wilderness territory, go to the Abandoned Village and look for the NPC there. After talking to him, look for the clues using your Eagle Vision.

Tales of Baghdad - Curse 1
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

Approach the clues and grab them as you go. Once you’re finished, return to the NPC to complete the quest.

Tales of Baghdad - Curse 2
Screengrab Courtesy of 100% Guides via YouTube

Those were all the Tales of Baghdad in Assassin’s Creed Mirage. Let us know if you have any questions about any of the side quests, and we’ll be sure to help you out. You can also check out our other guides for AC Mirage here.

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