Home » Animal Crossing Fishing Tournament: Prizes, Timing, How to Participate & More

Animal Crossing Fishing Tournament: Prizes, Timing, How to Participate & More

Animal Crossing will be hosting its second fishing tourney on the 11th of July, 2020. Here is all you need to know about the Animal Crossing Fishing Tournament.

What are the prizes in the Fishing Tournament?

The current Animal Crossing tournament takes into account the number of fished you catch only, so you should focus on that instead of catching bigger fishes. Each fish grants you one point while you get two bonus points if you catch more than three fish in the three-minute session you get two bonus points. Based on the total points you earn during the whole day, you will get a Bronze, Silver or Gold trophy. You can use the trophies and points to buy stuff from CJ. Here is everything he will be selling.

  • Anchor Statue
  • Fish Cooler
  • Fish Doorplate
  • Fish Rack
  • Fish Pochette
  • Fish Print
  • Fish Rug
  • Fish Umbrella
  • Fish Wand
  • Fish-Print Tee
  • Fishing Rod Stand
  • Marine Pop Wallpaper
  • Tackle Bag

What are the timings of the Fishing Tournament?

The tournament will start at 9am and end at 6pm, based on your local time.

How to participate in the Fishing Tournament?

You can participate in the fishing tournament by speaking to CJ who will be at the town square. While the first entry is free, each subsequent entry will cost 500 bells to enter.


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