The spaceships in Starfield are one of the most important and indispensable inclusions. In order to travel between planets, you are going to need a trusty vehicle. On top of that, you will also have to carry out galactic battles with the other hostile factions. For that, you will require a potent ship on both offensive and defensive fronts. In this article, we will reveal how you can get one of the best ships in Starfield during the early hours. We will be listing other ships that you can get for free and buy as well.
How to Get the best Ship in Starfield early
Starfield will provide you with the starter ship Frontier as the default option. However, you can get access to a better ship called the Razorleaf by completing a mission. Below is the full guide on how you can obtain the ship.
Mission “The Old Neighborhood”

- Towards the start of the game, you will come across a quest called The Old Neighborhood. This is a tutorial-type mission aimed at teaching you basic flight skills. Here, you will be given the task of scanning a satellite.

- By performing the scan, you will learn about the pathway to the Nova Galactic Staryard. Head over there and start defeating the enemies in the area.

- Carefully search their bodies for a text log called the Secret Outpost. After obtaining it, read the text log to trigger the mission Mantis.
Mission Mantis

- Proceed to the Secret Outpost on the designated planet and start the mission.

- Be sure to include important resources like ammo and health regeneration items in your inventory, as you will have to fight against many adversaries.

- After defeating everyone, you will come across an area with texts on the floor. You can search the voice logs from the dead bodies of your enemies for the clue to the password.
- The passcode to unlock the path that lies ahead is “tyrannis.” Provide the passcode at the door to continue the progression.

- Upon defeating a few more robots, you will reach the lair containing the Razorleaf Spaceship. Grab the vehicle from there, and it will be yours to keep.

- Now, you can customize, upgrade, and pilot one of the best ships in Starfield. Getting the dynamic Razorleaf towards the start of the game also gives you an edge, making your journey easier.
Other Free Spaceships in Starfield
UC Prison Ship
Obtained during the Crimson Fleet Mission Line.
Star Eagle
Complete The Freestar Rangers Questline, ending with “The Hammer Falls”.
Starborn Guardian
Complete the Constellation Missions and start New Game+.
Spaceships to buy in Starfield
There are over 75 Spaceships in Starfield for you to purchase. Below is the full list, along with their cost.
Name of the Spaceship | Cost of the Spaceship |
Watchdog | 42,000 |
Discovery | 52,050 |
Transpo | 57,150 |
Rambler | 57,600 |
Responder | 65,300 |
Achilles | 66,525 |
Sparrow | 72,450 |
Thresher | 75,950 |
Mustang | 79,550 |
Mako | 83,250 |
Rambler II | 87,839 |
Watchdog II | 89,200 |
Wendigo | 91,325 |
Trader Railstar | 93,125 |
Econohaul | 94,975 |
Mule | 97,825 |
Achilles II | 97,876 |
Vagabond | 102,950 |
Crimson Fleet Phantom II | 103,575 |
Kfir | 104,125 |
Narcissus | 107,800 |
Responder II | 116,129 |
Hoplite | 122,050 |
Pik Up | 122,450 |
Hammerhead | 123,525 |
Shackleton | 129,800 |
Crimson Fleet Haunt II | 130,650 |
Sparrow II | 130,750 |
Falcon | 132,075 |
Galileo | 132,850 |
War Horse | 132,975 |
Wendigo II | 133,082 |
Sunsail | 136,900 |
Pterosaur | 139,575 |
Live Muv II | 140,850 |
Privateer | 146,000 |
Trebuchet | 150,125 |
Carry All | 158,739 |
Marathon | 159,450 |
Galileo II | 162,544 |
Wanderlust | 165,125 |
Watchdog III | 165,473 |
Asphalt CB | 168,891 |
Phalanx | 169,550 |
Warhammer | 170,950 |
Roanoke | 173,925 |
Crimson Fleet Ghost III | 177,450 |
Falcon II | 185,675 |
Crimson Fleet Specter II | 187,175 |
Big Rig | 187,302 |
Pelican | 187,350 |
Narcissus II | 195,360 |
Wagontrain | 196,119 |
Ranger | 220,225 |
Spacetruk | 227,724 |
Warwolf | 225,175 |
Crimson Fleet Banshee | 236,125 |
Nimitz | 237,625 |
Orca | 249,925 |
Crimson Fleet Wraith | 249,925 |
Murasame | 250,025 |
Dullahan | 258,550 |
Vindicator | 263,465 |
Conquerer | 272,500 |
Star Semi | 279,100 |
Shieldbreaker | 279,425 |
Dragonfire | 308,425 |
Crimson Fleet Wight | 317,700 |
Abyss Trekker | 365,525 |
Silent Runner | 390,150 |
Stronghold | 400,125 |
Narwhal | 455,400 |
We hope this guide helped you obtain one of Starfield’s best ships quite early into the game. Which spaceship are you looking to buy next? Let us know in the comments below.
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