With all the characters in God of War: Ragnarok, who’s your favorite so far? While you think of an answer for that, have you encountered Birgir in the game? If the name’s quite familiar, and you need some help remembering him, we got you. We’ll guide you through two side quests today: the Scent of Survival Favor and For Vanaheim! Favor. Also, we hope you’re here with the same question “can you save Birgir in God of War: Ragnarok?”, do proceed to read below, warriors!
Birgir in God of War: Ragnarok
You may have first seen Birgir when you arrived at Freyr’s Camp. Birgir happens to be one of the followers of Freya’s brother and has been loyal to Vanaheim ever since. Physical appearance-wise, he is a big, burly man wielding a greatsword. Now, shall we answer the question?
Birgir’s Sacrifice
- You probably remember Birgir’s sacrifice during the paper boat cutscene. They thought the coast is clear, so they hopped on Freyr’s paper boat and sail the skies. However, enemies went attacking Kratos and his company on their boat.
- They can’t seem to take these dragons down. Birgir wanted to help this squad so he jump off the boat to bring the two dragons with him. He’s assumed lifeless after jumping from such a height.
- Do keep in mind that you’ll start with The Scent of Survival Favor in this journey. After completing, you’ll begin with For Vanaheim! Favor, and don’t worry, we got you covered for both side quests.
The Scent of Survival Favor
- When you return to Freyr’s Camp, Atreus would notice Helka behaving strangely. Kratos and Atreus leave the camp and follow Helka where the boat is docked. You may look at the tracks Helka leaves.
- From there, you’ll find Kratos and Atreus riding the boat once again to follow Helka still. You have to dock your boat where you and Freya docked the boat before. The glowing blue pawprints should lead you to Western Barri Woods in Vanaheim.
Change Night to Day, then follow Helka
- There’s a point in your tracking where you’ll need to change the time from night to day using the scepter. Find the celestial altar where you can do this change. Also, this would allow you to see the path where Helka jumped up, and continue tracking her down.
- Once change the time, go down the platform and move to your right. You can grapple your way up, and continue tracking Helka from there.
The Scent of Survival Favor complete
- Just keep running until you see Helka standing over the ledge. After a short while, you’ll hear a flare fired off. Now you have to ride the paper boat to possibly reach an alive Birgir.
For Vanaheim! Favor
Once you complete the Scent of Survival Favor, you should head now to save Birgir. Here’s the start of For Vanaheim! Favor, and bring Birgir home.
- While riding the paper boat, a dragon would attack Kratos, Atreus, and Mimir. This would make them fall down from the sky. Birgir fires another signal, although a dragon would be blocking its way.
- You are now in a new region called The Crater. You have to follow the path on your right to find a celestial altar. This would require you to change the time from day to night and vice versa while you explore this region in God of War: Ragnarok.
Defeat Egil the Oath Guard and reach Mystic Gateway
- You’ll find Egil the Oath Guard once you climb up the ledges near his area. The guard belongs to the mini-bosses called the Travelers, and in this For Vanaheim! Favor, you’ll encounter them in this region.
- After successfully defeating Egil, continue the path on your left where you can drop down. You’ll have to jump over the gap to where you have another destination to reach next.
- Once you reach the other side, you can follow the path until you reach Brok and his shop. When you get near the shop, it triggers and activates the Mystic Gateway area. Take note that when you climb up the steps behind Brok, you’ll have to face another Traveler named Seidr.
- Defeat Seidr and you can freely access the Mystic Gateway. Additionally, access to the Celestial Altar would be given as well.
Revert time from Day to Night
- Once you changed the time from day to night at the Celestial Altar, you may head back now to where you first arrived at The Crater. From there, head to your left until you reach a locked gate that Kratos can lift.
- You’ll be attacked by a dragon which Kratos and Atreus should hit. You should fight the dragon back with more hits until it retreats.
Defeat Vail the Oath Guard
- Once you pass through the new area, you’ll find an area with a chest with a red glow. Once you approach the chest, it would trigger the enemies to come out from the ground. You’ll find another Traveler behind you, Vail the Oath Guard, to defeat.
- You may squeeze Kratos to pass through an area when you successfully beat Vail the Oath Guard.
Defeat the Crimson Dread
- Once Kratos gets to pass through the tight walls, he’ll be welcomed by a dragon named Crimson Dread. Get ready for this boss battle, warriors. Kratos has been under the Crimson Dread’s watch soon as he arrived at The Crater.
- During the battle, you would have the chance to get close and attack with Kratos’ weapons. Beware when the Crimson Dread flies high to the sky and charges at Kratos. With this, it would be best to know its weak spots, right? So when before it charges at Kratos, you would like to throw your spear into its mouth when it nears Kratos to make it drop down.
- Watch out for the flames from its mouth, this could take a huge toll on Kratos’ health. Also, make use of Kratos’ weapons’ special attacks! Once you successfully defeat the Crimson Dread, you can now find your way to save Birgir.
Check out the rift nearby to capture a Lindwyrm
- Head to the rift nearby, and reach into it. You can collect the Lindwyrm as you complete a Favor from Ratatoskr after Nidhogg’s death.
Rescue Birgir
- After defeating Crimson Dread, let Kratos climb up the broken wall to find Birgir. You’re near to finishing the For Vanaheim! Favor, warriors. Way to go!
- Once you reach the top, you’ll see Birgir on the path on your right. He’s alive and would tell Kratos about a Mystic Gateway nearby.
- Open the Mystic Gateway, and bring Birgir back home. Once you do, this marks the completion of For Vanaheim! Favor. Well done!
Got all the rewards, warriors?
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