Following the runaway success of Poppy Playtime, a new game series emerges from the shadows: Garten of Banban, a first-person horror experience by Euphoric Brothers. This chilling title throws players headfirst into another childhood nightmare – a seemingly innocent facade twisted into a monstrous playground.
The Halls of Banban’s Kindergarten
While Poppy Playtime taunted us with the horrors lurking within a toy factory, Garten of Banban takes a different approach. Here, the unsettling stage is the abandoned Banban’s Kindergarten. Gone are the echoes of children’s laughter; a dark secret now festers within these walls. You take on the role of a parent, driven by a desperate search for a missing child.
Beware the Banban Gang
Like Poppy Playtime‘s nightmarish Huggy Wuggy, Garten of Banban boasts its own twisted cast. The once-lovable mascots adorning the kindergarten walls have morphed into horrifying threats. Outsmarting and evading these twisted creatures becomes a core part of navigating the spooky school.
Puzzles, Exploration, and a Haunting Truth
Garten of Banban mirrors Poppy Playtime’s gameplay in some key aspects. Expect to encounter puzzles that challenge your wit and navigate into different areas of the kindergarten to progress. With each step forward, you’ll inch closer to the horrifying truth behind the events that transpired at Banban’s Kindergarten.
A New Horror Darling Takes Root
Despite its January 6th, 2023 release, Garten of Banban has already managed to spook its way into horror game enthusiasts’ hearts (or nightmares). If you relished the suspenseful scares of Poppy Playtime, then Garten of Banban will surely quench your thirst for terror. Brace yourself to confront your childhood fears in a twisted new light as you explore the secrets of Banban’s Kindergarten.
Garten of Banban FAQs
- Release Date: The first Garten of Banban arrived on January 6th, 2023.
- Number of Installments: Currently, there are six installments. The upcoming Garten of Banban 7 will be released on May 10, 2024.
- Multiplayer? Currently, Garten of Banban offers a single-player experience.