We are partnering with @NVIDIAGeForce to bring real-time ray tracing to Cyberpunk 2077!
Night City has never looked so good.
Check out the details at https://t.co/qKwG4HCyCg #Cyberpunk2077 #RTXOn pic.twitter.com/s1DhvTe8RP
— Cyberpunk 2077 (@CyberpunkGame) June 11, 2019
CDPR is working with Nvidia to bring real-time ray tracing to the game.
Although it was already kind of speculated to make use of ray tracing in such a game like Cyberpunk 2077 which is filled with neon lights, it’s nice to have it officially confirmed now. You can see how stunning Night City looks with realistic lighting in these 4K screenshots.
Keep in mind that you’ll need a GTX 1060 or better Nvidia GPU to use ray tracing.
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