The Coded Sword is a Faith-based weapon capable of dealing massive amounts of Holy damage. This awesome-looking, one-of-a-kind straight sword allows users to employ the Unblockable Blade talent, making it one of the greatest alternatives for piercing strongly armored foes like shielded Crucible Knights or others in PVP.
Hidden sword once granted to the Tarnished of the Roundtable
by the Two Fingers. A formless cipher comprises its blade, which
deals holy damage no shield can repel. Champions would gather
at the Roundtable Hold in days long past, when the Two Fingers
were masters of oration, their flesh yet full of vigor.
This is an ideal weapon for players with high Faith build. Here’s where to look in Elden Ring to find it.
Coded Sword
When you use the weapon skill, the blade expands into a long golden tip before cutting forward and covering a large area.

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The best thing about this strike is that it can’t be blocked and must be dodged, which makes it ideal for dealing with shielded opponents and competing players. The only stat you’ll need to use the Coded Sword is Faith.

It’s a straight sword with the Unblockable Blade weapon talent, which costs twenty Faith to use. It will cost you 25 FP to use the skill once.
The Coded Sword features B-scaling for Faith, making it a great weapon for players that favor the Straight Sword and are looking for a strong Faith-based weapon.
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Locating the Coded Sword is not difficult. It’s hidden in a zone that most players won’t reach until much later in their journey. The Coded Sword can only be obtained by traveling deep into Leyndell, the Royal Capital.

Starting from the West Capital Rampart is the simplest route to go to the sword.
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Head south from the Site of Grace, then jump off the wall and onto the roof of an abandoned horse barn.

You’ll see a large tree root nearby. Continue West from the roof and jump onto the roof of another horse stable, which you can use to climb up the wall and through a nearby doorway.

This will lead you to a hallway where you can sprint to the end and turn right into a familiar-looking area.

A massive door on the other side of the table that you can enter will lead you to a room with a throne.

This throne is occupied by the Coded Sword.
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