Home » Elden Ring: How to Defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade

Elden Ring: How to Defeat Maliketh, the Black Blade

In Elden Ring, Maliketh, the Black Blade, is a fearsome boss. He can be found in the end-game area of Crumbling Farum Azula. While Maliketh is clearly one of the game’s most tough boss encounters, we are confident that with the correct tools and mindset, you can defeat him.

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Maliketh’s strikes are savage, quick, and devastating, leaving you little time to respond, as do practically almost all of the game’s bosses.

With this in mind, a little patience and planning will benefit you in winning this battle. Before entering any boss fight, we must first study the enemy’s moveset in order to determine how to engage and ultimately win the fight. Knowing your enemy will win you the battle 69% of the time in Elden Ring and other souls/borne games. 🙂

Maliketh, the Black Blade

Maliketh, the Black Blade can be found at the end of the Crumbling Farum Azula. This encounter isn’t optional; it must be completed in order for the story to progress.


  • You must grind more and level up your toon. The sweet spot is around level 96.
  • Getting Maliketh to 50% HP will trigger phase 2 of the match.

    Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
  • Maliketh, the Black Blade, has a wide range of attacks that are difficult to counter and can hit you from a long distance.

    Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
  • He also has AoE and ranged strikes, as well as being extremely mobile.
    Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube

    Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
  • Use quick spells.
  • Use pillars to your advantage.

The boss in this fight is named Clergyman in the initial phase, but after you get its health down to halfway, it switches to Black Blade. Both phases are challenging and demand complete focus and concentration. Let’s get started!



Image Courtesy of eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com
Image Courtesy of eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com
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All Specifics are Courtesy of eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com

If you find reading or memorizing these moves to be tedious, you can skip ahead to the key things of defeating Maliketh.



Screengrab Courtesy of Dan Allen Gaming via YouTube
  • For melee fighters:
    • You can stay near one of the many pillars scattered across the arena.
      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube

      The pillar will deflect many of the Beast Clergyman’s assaults, allowing you to land a lot of strikes with little risk.

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
    • Continue to circle the pillar, luring the Beast Clergyman’s attack.
    • You can perform a leap attack or any rapid attack to reach your opponent in a matter of seconds. Repeat the method till he’s down to half health.

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
  • For ranged fighters: 
    • Keep a safe distance between you and the Clergyman. Use the pillars to protect yourself from any other attacks he may use.

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
    • We suggest you use short casting spells.
    • Keep an eye out for the few ranged attacks.


Screengrab Courtesy of Dan Allen Gaming via YouTube


  • He will perform a jumping attack and stick his sword to the ground during this phase. Don’t be tricked into attacking straight away because the moment he pulls the sword out, you’ll be hit with an AoE damage.

    Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
  • Another ability that he will often use is a battle cry, which will immobilize your toon, so be aware of that.

    Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube

For Melee Fighters:

    • Again, use the pillars for protection. Use them to prevent Maliketh’s numerous lunge strikes, then backstab him when he lands. Yes, poke his butt. 🙂

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
    • The fight will take a long time to end, but at least you’ll win.

For Ranged Fighters: 

    • Make the most of the pillars by allowing them to receive all of his attacks and projectiles.
      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
    • Maintain a safe distance from him and launch your assaults once he lands on the ground.

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
    • Same as the melee fighters, this will take some time to finish but you will eventually beat him. I hope. XD

      Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube


Screengrab Courtesy of Obsoleek via YouTube
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