Home » Epic Games Pleads To Leakers Ahead Of Upcoming Downtime

Epic Games Pleads To Leakers Ahead Of Upcoming Downtime

Downtime for Fortnite Chapter 2 is getting closer. It is scheduled for version 19.00 this weekend. Leakers revealed that Epic Games have requested insiders of Fortnite to not leak content from Chapter 3.

HYPEX and ShiinaBR revealed Epic Games’ request on Wednesday. However, neither creator has confirmed if they will adhere to the request of the company or not.


On Twitter, Hypex stated that “I’ll most likely do what [Epic asked] if they’re willing to take this seriously instead of just stopping 2-3 leakers from leaking. I gave them some ideas on how to do it, just waiting for a response.”

On a similar note, iFireMonkey clarified the stance of content creators saying, “If anyone is able to leak the update I see no reason for me to not post leaks.” The major hurdle for Content Creators is their perceived inability to defer other less popular leakers of Fortnite from posting content.


The public reaction was rather mixed when they came to know about the demands of Epic Games. While many extended their sympathies for the content creator’s hesitancy to stop posting leaks, others have asked content creators to fulfill the request of the company.

But the latter category of people has also shown great levels of excitement about the prospect of witnessing and playing an upcoming season of Fortnite with minimal leaks.

  • In the Fortnite community, leaks are all too common. Many of the game’s cross-brand collaborations, like the latest Naruto crossover, were leaked ahead of time.
  • It appears Epic is attempting to combat leaks in a direct manner. However, we will have to see how effective their efforts are.
  • The second chapter of Fortnite’s second season is all set to conclude on December 4 with “The End”. After this event, all servers will go offline till December 7.

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