Home » Facebook News Feed spam posts; Am I hacked?

Facebook News Feed spam posts; Am I hacked?

Facebook News Feed has possibly been bugged yet again, and some users thought that their accounts were hacked. It is easy to assume that your account has been compromised after seeing your news feed share random posts and/or spam. In this article, we will share all possible reasons why this happened.

The most popular social network right now and for a long time has been Facebook. The site is used by millions of individuals worldwide for amusement, social interaction, and even professional purposes. Facebook has added additional capabilities and features over time. For instance, the service right now includes a gaming-specific streaming component and even a marketplace where you can trade goods.

Facebook sharing random posts about Celebrities

Facebook provides each member with their own feed, just as other social networks. The additional contacts’ or your followed pages’ posts will be added to the feed. The personal feed of many Facebook users, however, is currently clogged with unrelated postings or comments from famous sites.

  • Numerous reports claim that postings from contacts and their followed pages are being replaced by random posts or comments (spam) from celebrity pages in the Facebook feed.
  • Many users are annoyed by the problem since their news feeds are becoming clogged with irrelevant stuff.
  • The Facebook team has still not made an official admission of the problem. As things develop, we’ll be keeping an eye on the situation to update this report.

Is Facebook Hacked? Is my account Hacked?

  • We can only guess that this is a bug that sent Facebook’s systems flying since there hasn’t been any update from the team.
    • If someone chooses to tag a celebrity, the post is visible to everyone who follows that celebrity.
  • It is a weird problem that is pestering users. If nothing else, this is an unpleasant scenario.
  • Twitter users are posing this issue. And judging by the comments left by unrelated individuals on their home page, it is a serious concern.
    • However, it appears that many individuals are experiencing this, indicating that the algorithm is definitely flawed.
    • It would be one of the greatest hacks FB has experienced if it were a breach.

  • Although the platform has many other issues, this one appears particularly new.
    • To try to fix the issue, you can take the usual safeguards such as logging out, changing your password, or reinstalling the Facebook app.
    • Downdetector is also showing an increasing number of users claiming that Facebook is down for them.
  • But as of right now, nothing is certain, and we’ll keep you updated on this topic as it develops.

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