FIFA 18 Coming Next Month – Everything You Need to Know about This Year’s Football Classic

Behold FIFA Lovers, FIFA 18 is Arriving Very Soon

Football is love, Football is life, and for those of you who love this sport, you guys just can’t hate FIFA, the legendary game title, which is always loved by the football lovers from all around the world. With so many Football events being premiered this year, the FIFA fans are more hyped than ever to get their hands on this classic which will surely feature a recap of all the action filled events of this year.

On the other hand, Pro Evolution Soccer 18 is all set to give tough time to FIFA 18 by introducing stuff like a story mode called Longshot. But being in the competition with PES for so long, we are sure that FIFA 18 will surely have content that will make the fans go crazy over it. With PES and FIFA both coming at closer dates with such a good gameplay, graphics and classic moments, it will surely be a battle of titles between Konami and EA Sports.

The release of FIFA is set for 29 September this year however we aren’t sure if there will be a delay in the official release of the game. The game is obviously coming on all the platforms including PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Not only that the game will also be coming on Xbox 360, PS3 and even Nintendo Switch which is a pretty good surprise for many of us.

FIFA 18 EA Sports

Talking about the gameplay, the FIFA has always been one of its type with such rich graphics and fabulous game physics. Now with a whole new title, there are so many improvements expected in the graphics and motion settings of the game. Also with a competition with PES’s Longshot mode, FIFA surely will look forward to make improvements in its career mode and even they might renovate plenty of things in it to make it look even more demanding and interesting.

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