Home » Final Fantasy 16: All Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quests Guide

Final Fantasy 16: All Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quests Guide

Final Fantasy 16 Blacksmith's Blues

Final Fantasy 16 offers players a ton of quests, whether it be main or side quests. Some side quests are important because of the rewards and how they will help you progress more easily in the main quests. One very important side quest chain is Blacksmith’s Blues. This article will guide you to finish all Final Fantasy 16 Blacksmith’s Blues side quests!

All Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quests in Final Fantasy 16

August asks Clive to try and cheer up the perpetually bleak blacksmith Blackthorne at the start of the four consecutive quest parts that make up the Blacksmith’s Blues Side Quest in Final Fantasy 16.

FF 16 Blacksmith’s Blues Part 1 Guide

Blacksmith's Blues Griffin
Blacksmith’s Blues Griffin, screengrab courtesy of Square Enix

To start the first part of Blacksmith’s Blues quest chain, go to the Hideaway and talk to August. You can locate him standing near the counter. Remember that you can only do this if you first complete the ‘Here Be Monsters’ main quest.

  • When you first begin the quest, speak with Blackthorne, and you’ll learn he’s lost a specific type of leather design.
  • The shopkeeper in The Hideaway, Charon, is where you should head next because she knows who the individual is who has the missing pattern.
  • Find Nektar in the Mess after learning that you’re searching for Dozmare the Griffin, then use the Hunt Board to determine your target’s specific location.
  • To go to the Dozmare, fast travel to the Lostwing Obelisk and ride down the southeast route.
  • Defeat the Griffin after a cutscene.
  • You’ll see another cutscene after defeating Dozmare. After the fight, speak with the injured person.
  • Fast travel back to Hideout and speak to Blackthorne to finish part one of Blacksmith’s Blues.

FF 16 Blacksmith’s Blues Part 2 Guide

Blacksmith's Blues Lord Ignac
Blacksmith’s Blues Lord Ignac, screengrab courtesy of Square Enix

To start the second part of Blacksmith’s Blues quest chain, visit Clive’s chambers and read the letter on the Reading Table.

  • Visit Blackthorne at his usual location at the forge as your first stop.
  • Next, locate Charon behind her shop. She will ask you to locate Lord Ignac at The Dalimil Inn.
  • Use the Obelisk to fast travel to the town. Your destination will be indicated on the map as Final Sting. To start the cutscene, go there and go upstairs.
  • Lord Ignac appears to be troubled by a missing thing, this time a piece of luggage.
  • Visit the northernmost location in the Velkroy Desert, Bandit’s Bed.
  • A cutscene will start if you quickly eliminate the four thieves you encounter there.
  • Give back Lord Ignac’s stolen goods when you return. In gratitude, he will give you a whetstone.
  • To finish part two of Blacksmith’s Blues, bring the whetstone back to the Hideaway and speak with Blackthorne.

FF 16 Blacksmith’s Blues Part 3 Guide

Blacksmith's Blues Blackthorne
Blacksmith’s Blues Blackthorne, screengrab courtesy of Square Enix

To start the third part of Blacksmith’s Blues quest chain, speak to August in the Mess. Then he will inform you that our beloved blacksmith is once again unwell.

  • Speak with Blackthorne at his usual location beside the forge to find out what’s wrong. He will ask you to locate a specific ring.
  • Speak with Zoltan at the Dhalmekian city of Dravozd. Use quick fast travel to reach the town.
  • Follow the stairs to the left to get to Zoltan. There will be a cutscene.
  • Follow your path back and look for the gate. There you are going to find Blackthorne, go talk to him.
  • You’ll have to find a Desert Salamander in the Fields of Corava.
  • Once you’ve killed the creature and have its skin, head back to Davozd and talk to Blackthorne once more. There will be a cutscene.
  • Go back to the Hideaway and speak with Blackthorne again to finish part three of Blacksmith’s Blues.

FF 16 Blacksmith’s Blues Part 4 Guide

Blacksmith's Blues Chimera
Blacksmith’s Blues Chimera, screengrab courtesy of Square Enix

Talk to August once again to begin the final part of Blacksmith’s Blues quest chain. You will discover that the Akashic invasion has made its way to Blackthorne’s hometown, which you had previously visited as part of the mission.

  • Go right away to Dravozd first. Since you’ve been there before, the town’s Obelisk is most likely unlocked.
  • Once you get there, meet up with August. View the cutscene.
  • When you’re prepared for the assault, talk to August again to begin the battle.
  • Defend the town from several waves of opponents. A mini-boss battle with a Chimera will come last. After the combat, there will be a cutscene.
  • Talk to Zoltan after the fight.
  • Fast travel back to the Hideout and talk to Blackthorne to finish the final part of Blacksmith’s Blues.

Congrats! You now have completed all Blacksmith’s Blues quests! You will find yourself rewarded Ragnarok to craft Gotterdammerung and the sword’s Design Draft after you finish the quest chain.

Let us know if you have questions on how to complete this series of side quests in Final Fantasy 16. We’d be more than happy to help you out!

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