Home » Final Fantasy VII Remake Studio Is Developing A New IP Title For HD Consoles

Final Fantasy VII Remake Studio Is Developing A New IP Title For HD Consoles

Final Fantasy VII Remake is one of the most hyped games coming out next year. While fans have been waiting eagerly for the game, there is more good news on the way.

The latest job listing on Square Enix Japan’s, First Development Division, the team behind Final Fantasy VII Remake hints at a new IP for HD consoles. The translated job description reads:-

“New IP title for HD console.
An international team of creators from all over the world, all of our staff work together to develop a “next-generation action game experience” that takes a step forward from the existing action game framework.”

There is not much information about the same apart from the description, but considering FF VII Remake is slated for February 2020, there is still time for this unannounced title to be released.


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