Home » FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC – AR Collectibles | All Locations

FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC – AR Collectibles | All Locations

Welcome to our guide to the AR collectibles in the FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC! In this guide, we will take you through the locations of AR collectibles and how to obtain them. Whether you’re a seasoned FNAF player or new to the franchise, this guide will help you uncover these unique items and add them to your collection. So, grab your Security Mask, and let’s dive into the world of FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC!

What are FNAF AR Collectibles?

In the Ruin DLC of FNAF Security Breach, players will encounter a new set of collectibles known as AR Collectibles. 

  • These collectibles are represented by green boxes that are scattered throughout the Pizzaplex. 
  • However, these special items can only be collected while wearing the Security Mask obtained during the Monty’s Gator Golf section.
  • To find these collectibles, players must be wearing the V.A.N.N.I.E mask. 
  • Each collectible is unique and adds a new element of discovery to the gameplay experience. 

All Ruin DLC AR Collectibles

We have classified the collectibles into the respective chapters to make it easier for you. Check out all the locations of the collectibles in Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach Ruin DLC!

Screengrab courtesy of RyeToast via YouTube

1st Chapter Collectibles

  • Tragedy Mask: You can find this to the left of the very first Node you encounter in the Ruin DLC
  • Glam Monty Plush: Look in the container near MaskBot
  • Nightmare Plush: After encountering Monty, look in the trailer to obtain this collectible
  • Bonnie Piñata: Exit the bathroom. Before entering Gator-Gold, go to the left and through the glitch door

2nd Chapter Collectibles

  • Comedy Mask: For this collectible, go to the very back of the Lucky Stars Gift Shop to find it
  • Sun Mask: Before the S&M cutscene begins, make sure to go left and through the gate
  • Moon Plush: As you enter Daycare’s playpen, go up the stairs that lead to the castle tower
  • Sun Plush: You can find this behind the Daycare counter
  • Moon Piñata: Once the S&M cutscene ends, go left to find this collectible
  • Golden Sun: After completing the second camera puzzle, look for this collectible on top of the second playpen
  • Golden Moon: When you’re inside the secret Daycare room, look behind the Foxy poster to get this collectible

3rd Chapter Collectibles

  • Glam Chica Plush: You should make the jump as you go through the pipe
  • Glam Bonnie Plush: Look to the left of the first Circuit Board you encounter in the Bakery
  • Foxy Plush: Found below the stairs to the bakery
  • Sun Piñata: Go past the slippery floor on the catwalk. You will find the collectible at the end

4th Chapter Collectibles

  • Foxy Mask: This can be found beside a Child Node in a bathroom stall
  • Chica Lunchbox: After the Chica cutscene, look under the vent
  • Golden Freddy: Found at the top of the stairs in the server room

5th Chapter Collectibles

  • Glam Roxy Plush: When you’re at the Roxy Salon Stage, look for this collectible sitting on a stool
  • Golden Plushbaby: You can find this in the eyeball stairway room

6th Chapter Collectibles

  • Moon Mask: When you’re in Roxy Raceway, look for the first room. The collectible can be found in a corner
  • Bonnie Mask: Before entering Bonnie’s Bowling, check out the room before it. You can find the Bonnie Mask behind a door
  • Plushbaby: After Roxy breaks the wooden door, look in the shipping container to your left

7th Chapter Collectibles

  • Helpy Plush: Right beside Glamrock Bonnie in the Secret Room
  • Golden Foxy: Found inside a stall in one of the bathrooms in Bonnie’s Bowling
  • Golden Bonnie: Found in a pile of trash at the end of the hall near the Bonnie Bowl sign

8th Chapter Collectibles

  • Glam Freddy Plush: When you’re in Fazer Blast, look for a broken S.T.A.F.F. Bot with a green flag beside it
  • Freddy Lunchbox: After the Mini DJ vent chase, look for another vent in the second to the last room. This vent is found before entering the Roxy Raceway party garage
  • Foxy Lunchbox: In Fazer Blast, you can find this collectible behind the Parent Node
  • Bonnie Lunchbox: Found in the second to the last garage in Roxy Raceway. You can get this before the Final Node cutscene plays

There you have it! A guide to the AR collectibles in the FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC. We’ve covered the locations of each collectible and how to obtain them. Remember to wear the V.A.N.N.I.E mask to access these unique items and enhance your gameplay experience.

We hope this guide has been helpful in your quest to collect all the AR collectibles in FNAF Security Breach: Ruin DLC. Enjoy exploring the Pizzaplex and uncovering the secrets it holds!

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