Games The Shop Amazing ‘Black Friday’ Deals You Shouldn’t Miss

Games The Shop - Black Friday Sale

Black Friday is the name given to the shopping day after Thanksgiving. It was originally called Black Friday because so many people went out to shop that it caused traffic accidents and sometimes even violence. The Philadelphia Police Department coined the phrase to describe the mayhem surrounding the congestion of pedestrian and auto traffic in the downtown area. – The Balance

Originally, Black Friday is a US thing. For Indians like us, it’d simply mean a horrible day in the past, which was coincidentally a Friday. But as we are adopting more and more western lifestyles, traditions, customs and influences, why should we leave Black Friday behind?

For western consumers, Black Friday is a boon from the Gods. Literally, every retailer sticks that ‘discount’ tag on their products, letting consumers shop to their hearts’ contents. Luckily, Games The Shop, an Indian video game retailer has adopted the Black Friday system and thanks to that, we can see a large number of deals on major games and consoles.

Below is the list of all the games and consoles that are on Games The Shop’s “Black Friday” sale –

Games The Shop - Black Friday Sale

If you actually scrolled all the way down, either you’re too obsessed with video game covers, or you’re poor and you still can’t afford any of ’em, just like me. Nevertheless, subscribe to our weekly newsletter for latest video game updates, and make sure you allow our bell-notifications so as to never miss any new article related to gaming. Until next time, Happy Gaming!

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