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GCash Express Send Unavailable | What happened

GCash Express Send Unavailable | What happened

There is currently an issue with GCash in the Philippines, as users are experiencing difficulties sending cash to other users. Is this a result of server maintenance or is it an isolated case? Let’s find out.

GCash Express Send Unavailable

GCash users will have to wait for further updates, as GCash has announced an issue regarding GCash Services. Below is the list of services currently unavailable as of March 16, 12:01 AM:

  • Pay QR
  • Bank Transfer

GCash Express Send Unavailable | Possible Fixes

If the issue persists once it’s resolved, we can try to fix it by following these steps:

  1. Update your GCash app.
  2. Reinstall your GCash app.
  3. Re-login to your account.
  4. Remember your password, clear cache, and restart.
  5. Wait for further updates, as this may be an internal issue with the application.

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