Cyno is going to be the latest addition to the roster of playable characters in Genshin Impact 3.1. When the Sumeru update released, HoYoverse only opened up the forest area of Sumeru. In the coming update, it is expected that Travelers will explore the second half of the Sumeru region. As with all Genshin Impact characters, Travelers are wondering: Is Cyno worth pulling for in Genshin Impact 3.1?
According to trailers and his lore, Cyno is part of the desert area of Sumeru. Cyno is also recognized as a General in Sumeru. Once Genshin Impact 3.1 is released, Cyno will have his own character banner alongside the newest 4-star character, Candace.
Genshin Impact 3.1 goes live on September 28
The official roadmap for Genshin Impact 3.0 and beyond reveals that we’re days away from getting new content with version 3.1 that’s releasing this September 28, 2022. Once the new version drops in Genshin Impact, we’ll be getting two new characters from the land of Sumeru.
- The five-star character for the upcoming patch is Cyno, an Electro 5-star character who wields a Polearm.
- As for the second new character release, Candace is a 4-star Hydro character who also uses a Polearm.
Although Candace is looking like an interesting unit (especially with that shield ability), all eyes are on Cyno. Ever since Genshin Impact released an overview of the game, Travelers have always been curious about Cyno’s character when he briefly appeared in the video.
Now that we have more information about his character, we can’t help but ask: is Cyno worth the Primogems you’ll need to pull for him?
Is Cyno worth pulling for in Genshin Impact 3.1?
One of the common questions asked whenever a new character arrives is whether you should pull for them. Since his introduction to the game, Cyno has already gained a huge following from the Genshin Impact community.

Of course, we won’t be focusing on Cyno’s ability to make dad jokes bearable. We’ll be talking about his abilities and kit to determine whether you should pull for him or not. Any Genshin Impact player knows that every Primogem counts, which is why we’ll help you determine whether you should pull for Cyno or not.
Overview of Cyno’s character
This upcoming character is going to be an Electro 5-star character who uses a Polearm. Judging by the way HoYoverse has modeled his kit, Cyno appears to take on the role of the Main DPS.

- The main source of his DMG output is by using his Elemental Burst and spamming Normal Attacks to make the most out of it
- His playstyle is similar to the Raiden Shogun’s
- Cyno can create reactions with other Elements, giving him room to cause massive AoE DMG
If you successfully pull for Cyno, the best way to maximize his DMG capabilities is by frequently casting his Elemental Burst called the Sacred Rite: Wolf’s Swiftness. Like the Raiden Shogun’s kit, the Normal Attacks you cast after using his Burst are converted into Electro DMG.
Although Cyno looks like he’s already great at C0, he’d get a power spike if you get him to C3. We’ve already seen this in previous characters such as the Raiden Shogun who is exceptional at C0, but definitely OP if you get her other Constellations.

Unfortunately, we do not recommend getting Cyno and his Constellations if you are an F2P player or you’re not a whale. Unless the RNG gods are smiling upon you, you’ll risk more Primogems in the process of trying to unlock his Constellations.
At the moment, we haven’t had the chance to play as Cyno yet so we really can’t determine if he’s a good character for meta players. But from what we’ve seen so far, Cyno looks great paired up with a Dendro support character. Though this is mostly because of the great reactions we get when Electro meets Dendro.
Should I pull for Cyno or not?
To answer this question, it all comes down to whether or not you want to be updated with the meta in Genshin Impact. As someone who already has the Raiden Shogun on their team, I think my Primogems would be better spent on another upcoming unit like the Dendro Archon.
There isn’t anything groundbreaking or new coming from Cyno apart from his awesome Elemental Burst animation. Personally, his banner might be a pass given that I already have a similar unit.
If you don’t have a unit like the Raiden Shogun yet, then you should definitely pull for Cyno. I just know for a fact that those reactions you’ll get when you mix Electro with Dendro are going to be satisfying.
- Lastly, if you’re looking to collect rare characters in Genshin Impact, Cyno should be on your list as there aren’t that many male Electro characters available.
- Aside from Razor and the Traveler (if you’re using Aether), Cyno is another male Electro user.
Genshin Impact 3.1 is scheduled to release on September 28, 2022. The game is available on the PlayStation 4 & 5, PC, iOS, and Android devices.
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If you have other questions about Genshin Impact, feel free to drop them in the comments below. Until then, stay with us here at Spiel Times for more content.