Home » Genshin Impact: Is Baal (Raiden Shogun) Worth It?

Genshin Impact: Is Baal (Raiden Shogun) Worth It?

Genshin Impact 2.0 has brought chaos to the world of Teyvat. Many gamers are eagerly waiting for one specific character – Baal (Raiden Shogun). She wields an oppressive regime over the electro island region of Inazuma and desires to preserve her homeland from intruders. Is she worth the hype?

DPS or Support?

  • DPS UNIT: Raiden Shogun, based on the implementation of the other archons, appears to have the potential to be a supporting character. Her backstory and the recent Inazuma narrative, on the other hand, indicate that she could be a DPS unit. So, she has the potential to be a much more powerful character, as she could end up becoming a DPS powerhouse!
  • If this is the case, putting money aside for Raiden Shogun is a smart option. A DPS-capable Archon character will undoubtedly become the game’s most powerful unit.
  • SUPPORT UNIT: Even if Raiden Shogun will also be a supporting character, she’ll still be worth the time and money. For those who were lucky enough to get Venti and Zhongli, these Archons have indeed made the game more convenient. The inclusion of a third support unit capable of withstanding whatever the game throws at them will only strengthen your group.

RELATED: Baal (Raiden Shogun) Abilities

Recent leaks showed her ascension materials, along with other upcoming characters. If these are accurate, then you should definitely start farming them now! Check out the details datamined below:

Courtesy of deviltakoyaki

Current Playable Archons

  • Venti has remained among the ideal support protagonists in the game to this day. He is a 5-star Anemo user who uses a bow and is an excellent adventurer due to his elemental abilities!

  • Zhongli is a useful support unit, as he’s able to protect the entire group simply by being present. He wields the Genshin’s most powerful shield, which is unbreakable. It reduces opponents’ elemental protection while scaling off Health and providing excellent damage resistance.

If you have any questions regarding Genshin Impact, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content related to Genshin Impact, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.

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6 thoughts on “Genshin Impact: Is Baal (Raiden Shogun) Worth It?”

  1. She’s a support battery and people who expect her to put numbers in the meta will probably be disappointed. Not that she won’t do damage, but nothing insane.

    1. Considering the fact that she’s an Archon makes her a “must-pull” for many players 😀 .. I remember many felt Zhongli was bad when he first came out! Still up to debate on the 2 archons out right now. Anyway, her numbers are definitely arguable and would depend on how people will use her. Although… I could think of another reason why gamers would want to pull her *nudge nudge*

      Thanks for the comment!

      1. I mean, he WAS bad when he was release but they buffed him since he was really underwhelming. If the Raiden Shogun is as underwhelming as when Zhongli was first released which is what some people are thinking, there’s a decent chance that Mihoyo will do some buffs/changes that make her really good

        1. Yeah, definitely! We’ll just have to wait and see at this point. Personally, I’m excited for her. Whether she’s worth it or not will be different for all 😀

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