Home » Genshin Impact: Lunar Realm Fishing Event, All Details

Genshin Impact: Lunar Realm Fishing Event, All Details

A new event has been released for Genshin Impact version 2.1, the Lunar Realm. In the Lunar Realm, players will be able to test their fishing skills to become the ultimate fisher by catching a legendary fish, the Lunar Leviathan. The event lasts for 10 days, beginning from the 10th of September, 10 am Server time to the 20th of September, 3:59 am.

There are certain requirements that players need to fulfill in order to participate in the Lunar Realm Event. They need to complete a particular World Quest apart from the other requirements.


  1. Players will have to have reached Rank 30 at the least
  2. Must complete the Archon Quest “Ritou Escape Plan”
  3. They will have to unlock Serenitea Pot System
  4. They will have to complete Nantuck’s “Exploding Population” World Quest within the event period

After Nantuck’s World Quest, there will be a new event quest on the navigation page.  The quest will begin with players teleporting to a Waypoint located northwest of Inazuma City. The players will then have to talk to the Inazuman fisherwoman, Kujirai Momiji.

Fishing Training

Following this, they will have to search for the Liyue fisherman Jiawei at the southeast side of Liyue Harbor. Players can start the special fishing training part of the event by talking to Jiawei. The map will provide different places for the players to undergo fishing training. You will see a small fish icon on your map for the location. In each location, players will be able to choose the required bait and fishing gear depending upon the location and the goals for each challenge.

  • The training will go on for seven days, where players will have to complete specific goals in a given time period. The fish caught will appear in the Inventory.
  • Players will earn more rewards the more fish they are able to catch. However, a 50 fish daily limit has been imposed during the special training in each pool to protect the Teyvat species of fish. If players catch more than 50 fish, they will be returned to the wild.

Event Rewards

By completing all the event’s challenges, players stand a chance to win the event rewards and the event-exclusive fishing rod. Players will be able to get 420 Primogems in total for the event, 60 Primogems each day. Players will have to manually claim rewards on the Lunar Realm event page.

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