Home » Genshin Impact: Patch 2.1 Banner Schedule Leaks

Genshin Impact: Patch 2.1 Banner Schedule Leaks

Genshin Impact Patch 2.1 Banner Schedule Leaks

Genshin Impact is one of the biggest games today and it isn’t going to stop being big anytime soon. Even after its biggest 2,0 update last month, Genshin Impact doesn’t stop treating its fans. At the beginning of the month, we already have some delightful information about the 2.1 updates. This information pertains to some of the most anticipated character banner release dates and a few bonus leaks. So, let’s dive straight into it.

Character Banner Releases

Before talking about character banner release date leaks, let’s first know about Version 2.1 release. Genshin Impact Version 2.1 will be probably be launching on North American servers on August 31. This is because up until now miHoYo has released every significant upgrade once every six weeks.

Now it’s time to talk about the leaks regarding the character banners. Three of the most anticipated characters in the game are Raiden Shogun (Baal), Kokomi, and Kujou Sara. Leakers have revealed the release dates for these characters are here is what we know about it.

  • Kujou Sara – Kujou Sara is a 4-star electro character, who is the general of the Tenryou Commission and uses a bow as a weapon. Her banner release date is supposedly the 9th of September 2021.
  • Raiden Shogun – There has been tremendous hype around Raiden Shogun aka Baal, in the past few months. She is a 5-star electro character, who is the undisputed supreme ruler of Inazuma and prefers polearm as the weapon of her choice. Her banner release date is also set to be 9th September 2021 as per the leaks.
  • Kokomi – Kokomi is a 5-Star Catalyst user who loves to bombard her enemies with ranged Hydro attacks. Her banner release date has been leaked to be 21st September 2021.
  • Aloy – Horizon Zero Dawn’s Aloy is also set to hit the game on September 1, 2021. Aloy will be obtainable on the PlayStation platform for six weeks as part of a crossover event. Her official release for PC and mobile is set to be on October 13th, 2021, with the 2.2 updates.

Other Details

That’s not it as we have some more important details regarding the version 2.1 update including storyline and areas.

  • According to leaks, this version will continue the story of Inazuma that began in Version 2.0 and might feature the narrative’s conclusion. A leaker found a file in the update labeled “InazumaEnding”, so it might conclude in the next update.
  • Version 2.1 will add two new islands, Watatsumi Island and Seirai Island, according to the leaks.
  • Watatsumi Island will be the home of the Inazuma resistance, whereas Seirai Island will be enveloped in a perpetual thunderstorm.
  • This version will feature three new bosses – The Electro Oceanid, The Hydro Hypostasis, and La Signora
  • The upcoming update also brings events like Lunar Realm, Light Caresses the Moon, Hyakunin Ikki.

If you have any other questions regarding the Genshin Impact, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content related to Genshin Impact, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.

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