Home » God of War: Ragnarok – The Elven Sanctum guide

God of War: Ragnarok – The Elven Sanctum guide

God of War Ragnarok - The Elven Sanctum guide

Another day means we have another side quest in God of War: Ragnarok for you here. Before you complete the game, we’re pretty sure you’ve started a lot of Favors in the different realms. For today, let’s talk about The Elven Sanctum, and here’s a guide on finishing this Favor. Prepare to take all the Treasures you have to get, warriors.

The Elven Sanctum

The Elven Sanctum Favor in God of War: Ragnarok should require you to travel back to The Barrens. But before that, make sure to talk to Byggvir and Beyla at Freyr’s Camp after you help Freya break her curse.

  • The two Elves would like to know more knowledge that is being withheld and kept from them
  • The Elven Sanctum in Alfheim would be the one holding this information and artefacts.

Trigger the Favor

  • Inside Freyr’s Camp, you may want to approach Byggvir and Beyla. Although, Beyla would hesitate to ask Kratos for help, but talk to them. You will also get to know a little bit about the Elves’ backstory and how they became a couple

The Elven Sanctum 1

  • Once you talk with Byggvir, he’ll wonder if Kratos would find his way in a contested territory past the Barrens AKA the Forbidden Sands in Alfheim. Byggvir tells about artefacts that their Elders hinder them from seeing
  • Well, it is exciting to be uncovering secret history, just like what Mimir said! Let’s now start the adventure

The Elven Sanctum 2

Unlock the gate

  • Once you enter The Barrens and if there’s still a sandstorm, we would recommend you complete the Secret of the Sands Favor first. You’ll have to clear the sandstorm before seeing the gate leading to the sanctum.

The Elven Sanctum 3

  • If you completed the Secret of the Sands Favor, you’ll see a gate in The Barrens which you have to check out as it will bring you to the sanctum. Bring Kratos to the Runic Slate to unlock the gate.

The Elven Sanctum 4

  • Kratos triggers a word to be shown on the gate, have Atreus read it. The boy reads the word out loud, and the gate successfully unlocks. You should let Atreus ride the sled, and enter the gate. When you go in, another region has been discovered, welcome to The Hjarta. 

The Elven Sanctum 5

Reach The Elven Sanctum

  • Travel along the path, and soon you’ll reach another region, The Forbidden Sands. Once you get to the area, another Hafgufa would be there and would trigger the Song of the Sands Favor which you can complete later.

The Elven Sanctum 6

  • From there, turn to your right and you may find The Elven Sanctum right there. You have to grapple your way up the platform and see a gate. Collect the Hacksilver in the Wooden Chest on your left. Also, peek at a purple glow on your right, a piece of jewelry that is an artifact in the Tributes to Freyr Collection. Then, you may want to go inside the sanctum.

The Elven Sanctum 7

Collect all the treasures

  • After opening the gate and passing through the second door, there would be treasures laid around the area. You have to make sure to collect all treasures you can see on the tables, and also a few Hacksilver too. You’ll find a new Lore Scroll, one of The Lost Pages, and discover a new Lore Marker.

The Elven Sanctum 8

  • When you grapple your way to the second floor, a Treasure Map of the Forgotten Tower awaits you near the Legendary Chest, so grab that too! From there, just walk around and you’ll find a few more treasures like the Jewel of Yggdrasil, and another Chest.

God of War: Ragnarok treasure map 9

  • Kratos finds a sealed book entitled The Consul. It will be located in the last Chest before you jump down from the second floor. Mimir mentions that maybe one of the Dwarves can open it. So once you gather those treasures, you may leave The Elven Sanctum.

God of War: Ragnarok consul 10

The Maven fight

  • Just before you attempt to leave The Elven Sanctum, the Librarian (what Mimir called) AKA The Maven appears. You have to defeat The Maven so successfully leave the place, and complete the mission.
  • Do know that the Elf is quick to dodge long-range attacks, and she fights like the Light Elves you have fought before. The Elf throws quite a lot of combination attacks, so when the red ring appears, you may want to get away from The Maven before it launches its unblockable strike.

God of War: Ragnarok maven 11

  • Interrupt with your Shield Strike when you see two blue rings from The Maven. This would be helpful for Kratos to cast combinations to the Elf. Additionally, when you drained all the Elf’s health, you would want to use another Shield Strike before it successfully heals itself!

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  • Why does she want the book? Mimir translates that she’s protecting the Elves by hiding all this knowledge away. Nonetheless, when you defeat The Maven, Kratos spares the Elf, and you can take The Consul Journal back to the Elves.

Finish The Elven Sanctum Favor

  • Once you step out of the front gate of the sanctum, Atreus and Kratos continue to converse. When you head down to your sled, The Elven Sanctum Favor appears to be completed.

God of War: Ragnarok sanctum 13

RELATED NEWS: God of War: Ragnarok – How to clear sandstorms in the Alfheim Desert

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