Finding things that magically disappear is hard, but have you tried finding creatures? Well, for God of War: Ragnarok, you’ll have to search for The Lindwryms. In case you’re having a hard time figuring out where to go to catch those creatures, you probably would want to stay with us here. Here’s a guide on where to find The Lost Lindwryms in God of War: Ragnarok to make this Favor easier for you to accomplish. Now, shall we get back on track?
Find The Lost Lindwryms
You should receive this side quest from Ratatoskr, the squirrel, yes. Seriously, you’ll get the Favors in God of War: Ragnarok from everyone. So don’t be shocked if you get this one from a squirrel. Anyway, here’s what happens before you can get right on to the quest.
- Following the main story quest, you’ll be leaving Sindri’s House. Just before you leave the two Dwarves, Brok should return something to you. Sindri would hand Kratos a Guardian Shield, which was originally given by his wife, which they fixed after Kratos’ first encounter with Thor.
- Going back to The Lindwyrms, you can trigger the quest after defeating Nidhogg and freeing Freya from the curse. Additionally, you need the Draupnir Spear to accomplish this Favor. Be sure to progress to the main story quest until you get the Draupnir Spear so you can begin with this side quest. Here’s how and where you can find these creatures.
Nidhogg is missing
- Once you head out of Sindri’s House, you’ll find an agitated-looking Ratatoskr ahead. The Squirrel would deliver the news to Kratos that Nidhogg is indeed missing.
- This leads Freya to react that trouble seems to find them. In case you’re pretty lost, this is before Kratos and Freya embark on their journey to Vanaheim to free her of the curse.
How to trigger the Favor
- Once you successfully follow the main story quest of freeing Freya from the curse, you should head back to Sindri’s house. Unfortunately, you had to kill Nidhogg during the main quest with Freya and her curse. When you return, Ratatoskr would ask to talk to you.
- Apparently, Nidhogg has her offspring let loose in the Nine Realms. And another unfortunate thing, they probably would send mischief around the realms. So, Ratatoskr asks for Kratos’s help to search and capture these Lindwyrms. Here’s when The Lost Lindwryms Favor appears, take the device from Ratatoskr, and head to find the Realm Tears.
- Before we get to the specific places, do know that you have to capture six (6) Lindwryrms. There are only two realms where the Lindwyrms are: Svartalfheim and Vanaheim.
The First Lindwrym in The Forge
- When you first get the Draupnir Spear from The Lady and Brok in Svartalfheim, you’ll be close to a Lindwyrm. Here’s where you can first make use of the Spear just as Brok would teach you to. Use the wall cracks to stick your Spear to, and use it to jump and swing your way up and to another platform. You’ll see a Realm Tear when you reach the top.
- Catch the first Lost Lindwyrm by pressing the ‘Circle’ button and triggering it to come out. Don’t be too surprised when it shows up though, take it down, and use the Lindwrym Trap to capture it. You can reach inside the Tear to find some useful rewards too.
Second in Alberich Island
- When you accept The Lost Treasure Favor, you can encounter the second Lost Lindwyrm on Alberich Island. You’ll have to make the water wheel work to get up on the lift and grapple your way down to the other platform. You can see the Realm Tear on the platform, so go down, and capture another of Nidhogg’s children.
Third in Alberich Hollow
- While continuing The Lost Treasure Favor, you’ll come across another one of the Lindwryms in Alberich Hollow. In this area, you should face a mini-boss called Ormstunga. Once you successfully defeat it, head over to the ledge on your left. Reach into the rift and trap the Lindwyrm using Ratatoskr’s device.
The fourth Lost Lindwyrm in The Applecore
- To find the fourth Lindwyrm, you should head back to the Applecore. Find an angle to stick your Draupnir Spear into a hole in the wall to go over the other side. You may find a Nornir Chest on your right, and straight ahead would be a gate.
- Moreover, you can see a path on your left that leads directly to another Realm Tear. So head over, reach out for another Lindwyrm, and capture it.
Fifth in The Plains, Vanaheim
- Kratos needs to travel to The Crater in Vanaheim to search for Birgir, this should be For Vanaheim! Favor. Before you reach the specific area, you have to defeat Egil the Oath Guard first. Once you do, you’ll find the area with the Mystic Gateway and Celestial Altar. However, Kratos faces another enemy to defeat, Seidr. Clear the area and head over to your right to find another rift there.
The sixth and last Lost Lindwyrm in The Plains
- The last Lost Lindwrym happens to be in Vanaheim as well. While you’re close to finding Birgir, you have to face the dragon called Crimson Dread first. Once you successfully defeat the dragon, you can see another Realm Tear in the area, so make sure you capture the last Lindwrym. Also, collect all the rewards around!
The Lost Lindwryms Favor complete
- Once you manage to capture all the six Lost Lindwryms, you should return to Sindri’s House. Find Ratatoskr and hand over the Lindwrym Trap device. Once you do, this side quest should be marked complete in God of War: Ragnarok.
Did you enjoy finding Nidhogg’s children AKA The Lindwryms?
RELATED NEWS: Can you save Birgir in God of War: Ragnarok?
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