There is hardly anyone who would say that God of War is a bad game. And why would they even?
For all we know, it is a highly ambitious series and is revered for its enticing narrative and action-packed hack and slash styled combat. Not to forget, the in-game puzzles that would keep the players scratching their heads for hours.
God of War 4 was met with positive reviews from numerous websites upon its release. It was an instant hit and captured global attention in no time.
Today, Sony revealed details regarding their God of War sales figures. According to them, it has sold over 3.1 million copies within the span of just 3 days of its release, dethroning Horizon: Zero Dawn which had previously sold over 7 million copies within just 1 year of its release.
This monumental success has compelled Santa Monica Studio head Shannon Studstill to quote the following in celebration:
“I would like to personally thank the millions of fans around the world who decided to embark on Kratos’ latest adventure with us,” Studstill said. “Your support is truly inspiring, and it’s a reason why we push ourselves every day to go beyond the boundaries of play.”
Looks like fate is with PS4 first-party games this time.
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