Home » Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures List; What we know so far

Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures List; What we know so far

Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures list; what we know so far

Before we continue our article about the Hogwarts Legacy, we extend our condolences to the loved ones of Hogwarts, and Harry Potter’s Rubeus Hagrid, Mr. Robbie Coltrane. Moving forward, he’ll stay in each Potterhead’s heart, and probably in Hogwarts Legacy too. Hopefully, we get a chance to see his character in the game, but for today, we have a different agenda. Here’s a list of what we know so far about Hogwarts Legacy’s monsters and creatures. If you want to know, then you may want to read with us below. Let’s go!

Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures

Hogwarts has been known for being a magical land of wands, witchcraft, and yes, monsters and creatures. So we can *definitely* expect to see a bunch of them in the wild, in the halls, and around Hogwarts. This list has been based on the trailers and gameplay that Portkey Games released, so learn more here!

Hogwarts Legacy Creatures

Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures, centaurs
Screengrab Image Courtesy of Hogwarts Legacy via YouTube
  • Let’s start with the Centaurs. A glimpse of the creature in a trailer welcomed fans. Although Centaurs may be a bit shy and do avoid human contact, you may have no problems interacting with them. Also, they’re not scary as they may seem on the outside, maybe you can find them as allies when you start the game soon!
Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures, elves
Screengrab Image Courtesy of Hogwarts Legacy via YouTube
  • We may have seen the Elves present in the trailer too. Well, who wouldn’t love these elves, not when we have seen the most precious Dobby in the movies? They may be seen working around in the castles, free from abuse. Thanks to Helga Hufflepuff, they are just doing work as house elves, see them above!
Hogwarts Legacy ghosts
Image Courtesy of Hogwarts Legacy
  • We hope you wouldn’t be shocked when you see Ghosts and Poltergeists roaming around. Even to the extent that Ghosts may offer some quests for you to complete and be rewarded. Adding third and fourth to our Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures list would be the Ghosts and Poltergeists. Hmm, they might not have much relevance to the story, but meeting a few would be a fun experience! But you do have to take care of yourself when you meet the naughty ghosts AKA the Poltergeists. Watch out for the oldest one in the castle, Peeves!
Hogwarts Legacy golden snidget
Image Courtesy of Hogwarts Legacy
  • What can cuteness do in the Hogwarts Legacy? As for the Golden Snidgets, they may be the star you see when you enjoy the Quidditch game. Although using these adorable golden birds in a game sounds bad, Hogwarts opted for a safer alternative which is the Golden Snitch. Anyways, peek at the birds hatching, so cute!

Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures, hippogriff
Screengrab Image Courtesy of Hogwarts Legacy via YouTube
  • Would like to experience flying, Wizards? Well, consider it done with the help of Hippogriffs! We may see the character flying on the Hippogriff during the trailer. Seriously, they make Hogwarts more magical with these friendly, flying creatures. Oh, snap, we may have missed Buckbeak for a while right here. Fly high, Wizards!
Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures, mooncalf
Screengrab Image Courtesy of PlayStation via YouTube
  • We’re not sure where we can categorize these Mooncalf creatures as cute or weird. Well, their eyes are cute, but like, they’re looking funny at times too. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me, but if you need a friend, these cuties can be, look at them smiling! Although, you may want to keep them safe too. Just like the Golden Snidgets, they wouldn’t be able to protect themselves and fight, so, watch out for them!
Hogwarts Legacy nifflers
Image Courtesy of @Astralisgg via Twitter
  • Oh, while we have harmless animal creatures in the game, of course, they wouldn’t miss out to put the Nifflers as well. It would be better to safe keep anything shiny when you encounter these birds. They may be cute with their long beaks, but those are for getting shiny things! We warned you, okay? But they’re friendly, we just hope they don’t see any blind-shining things.
  • Last on our creatures list would be the Thestrals. They may have been associated with death, but they’re quite good. Although the chills may stay there when you encounter them, but they’re nice! You may want to pre-order the game to have a Thestral Mount on the game!

Hogwarts Legacy Monsters

Hogwarts Legacy monsters 1

  • Acromantula: From the name itself, prepare yourself for huge, fighting spiders in the game. You can test your Wizard skills while fighting with these creatures. Kinda scary if you ask me, but good luck, Wizards!
  • Dementors: Oh, we’re pretty sure you know these monsters by heart. Not that you love them, but when you heard monsters, Dementors may be the first one on your mind. Although they’re known to be specifically in Azkaban only, so we can perhaps explore the place too in Hogwarts Legacy?!
  • Dragons: Fire-breathing dragons, nothing to be scared of really. Just kidding! Who would want to vanish in Hogwarts with just one breath of a Dragon? Since the game’s set in the 1800s, there may be more dragons around the castle and the wild so be careful!

Hogwarts Legacy monsters 2

  • Goblins: As much as we love the Elves, we dislike the Goblins. The amount of stress and problems you need to resolve with them would probably drive you nuts. They’re quite a handful of enemies, so we hope you can trick them to defeat them!

  • Graphorn: You may want to think hard through if you can battle these monsters. Graphorns may have the strength to resist the spells, so you have to watch out for that. But when you watch the trailer, a few students tamed them! That’s cute and scary at the same time!
  • Inferi: Some dead bodies under the Dark Wizard’s curse. So you may find these monsters in dungeons and mostly dark and dangerous places in Hogwarts. Just make sure you equip the Incendio spell to defeat them!
  • Trolls: Last on our list of the Hogwarts Legacy monsters and creatures, are the Trolls. Just know how to properly deal with them just like Harry and Ron in the film! A chance to fight a Troll would probably make you an official Wizard since they are the most common enemies in Hogwarts!

Let us know if we missed any, Wizards! Ready for the Hogwarts Legacy in February 2023?

RELATED NEWS: Hogwarts Legacy Price + How to Pre-order?

You can also share any questions you have about Hogwarts Legacy below. Until then, stay with us here at Spiel Times for more content.

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SOURCES: PlayStation YouTube, Hogwarts Legacy YouTube, @HogwartsLegacy Twitter

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