Home » Horizon Forbidden West: “I’ll Wait” or “I’m Going Now” (The Embassy)

Horizon Forbidden West: “I’ll Wait” or “I’m Going Now” (The Embassy)

This guide will go over what happens if players choose one response over the other in mission 4, “The Embassy,” which occurs early in the game. So should you pick “I’ll Wait” or “I’m Going Now”? Let’s find out!

Horizon Forbidden West, like its predecessor, includes various NPC dialogues in which Aloy might learn more about the character or the scenario.

The added discussion sections won’t reward players any more things or anything, but they can help gamers learn more about Horizon Forbidden West’s universe. The game, on the other hand, doesn’t shift far from the primary storyline, thus there aren’t any genuine options or actions that can change the story.

Aloy will have a talk with Commander Nozar and Studious Vaudis after she arrives at the Embassy.

Aloy wants to start traveling west without waiting for the tribes to come, but the commander insists on her waiting for the third clan to arrive, which irritates her. This gives players two options, one of which doesn’t alter anything and the other of which advances the story.

I’m Going Now

If players select the “I’m Going Now” option during The Embassy task, Aloy will attempt to pass through the gate despite the fact that the third clan has yet to arrive and the Tenakth horn has yet to blow.

RELATED: Horizon Forbidden West: “A Bigger Boom” Guide


Screengrab Courtesy of Chris Smoove via YouTube

A Carja guard will alert everyone that someone is arriving on a machine whenever Aloy begins to leave the commander and Vaudis, and it turns out to be Aloy’s friend, Varl. Aloy approaches the gate guards, who refuse to allow her pass, and the commander even threatens to arrest her.

I’ll Wait

If players select the “I’ll wait” option in Horizon Forbidden West, Aloy will leave the two guys and continue exploring the Daunt. This option has no effect on the story and is just to temporarily pause players’ progress in the game.


Screengrab Courtesy of Chris Smoove via YouTube

Choose this option if players wish to continue leveling up and gaining skill points.

This is before moving on to mission 4, which culminates in a large battle. Players only need to return to the Embassy and talk with Commander Nozar when they are ready to continue.

Erend speaks up to Nozar, and although being wasted, persuades the commander to let Aloy pass through the gates. This is where the last fight between clans would conclude the Horizon Forbidden West objective.
RELATED: Horizon Forbidden West: Stillsands Relic Ruins Puzzle Guide

If you have any questions regarding Horizon Forbidden West, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.  

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