Home » How to Beat Blackgaol Knight | Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

How to Beat Blackgaol Knight | Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

How to Beat Blackgaol Knight Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree

Hidden away in the Lingleigh Mausoleum, the Blackgaol Knight is ready to give you a not-so-warm welcome. This armored enemy isn’t just about fashion; it’s got a greatsword and a crossbow that’ll make you want to duck and cover. Here are some tips to help you win this battle.

This enemy is a real powerhouse, with a massive greatsword and a crossbow. He hits hard, swings wide, and knows a few tricks, but guess what? He’s also got some glaring weaknesses. He’s a bit predictable and stumbles around after a few good whacks.

Before you waltz into the Lingleigh Mausoleum:

  • Aim for around 80-90. Trust me, you’ll want those extra hit points and damage.
  • Get that bad boy to at least +8. A sharper sword makes for a shorter fight.
  • The Opaline Hardtear is your BFF, it’ll help you tank those hits.
  • The Black Knife Tiche Ashes can be a real lifesaver, drawing aggro and dishing out damage.
  • Slap on some armor with high poise and grab a weapon that can stagger like a champ (think greatswords, colossal weapons, or hammers).

Phase 1

Round one starts with a hail of crossbow bolts, followed by some fancy greatsword moves. Don’t get intimidated!

  • Crossbow Barrage: Dodge and close the distance.
  • Overhead Slash & Sweeping Combo: Roll away from danger, then get a few hits in while he recovers. Don’t get greedy, a few hits is better than getting skewered.

Phase 2

Once he’s taken a beating, he’ll power up his blade with holy energy. Now things get spicy.

  • Holy Blade Combo & Rush Attack: Keep your distance and be ready to dodge.
  • Holy Slam: This one hurts, so roll out of the way and counterattack.

Additional Tips

  • Pay attention to his moves so you can predict what’s coming next. You need stamina to attack, so dodge only when necessary.
  • Carian Greatsword or Loretta’s Greatbow will keep you safe from afar. Flame, Cleanse Me, or Catch Flame can give him a taste of his own holy medicine.
  • Keep your cool, and you’ll be golden. Remember, panic is the enemy. Stay calm, learn his moves, and punish his mistakes. You’ve got this, Tarnished! Now go show that Blackgaol Knight who’s boss!

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