We’re here today with a simple guide on how to get an axe in Grounded. With an axe, things become much easier. as you can use it to chop down grass, create your base, and much more. Here’s how to make an axe in Grounded.
Here’s what you need to make an axe in Grounded
- Sprigs
- Pebblets
- Plant Fiber
- Both Sprigs and Pebblets are easily available. So collect as much as you can. For Plant Fibers, they are a little difficult to find. Sometimes you’ll see a two-leaved little plant, and sometimes a spinier version with a bunch of small prongs coming out of it

Next, you need to find Plant Fiber.

Now, go to the Resource Analyzer, the machine with the arms, and the centrifuge on the right. Next, follow these steps –
- Open Menu
- Analyze your Plant Fiber
- Now you can craft Woven Fiber
- Analyze Sprigs and Pebblets
- Finally, you’ll get the recipe to make the Pebblet Axe
To make the Pebblet Axe, you need 3 Sprigs, 2 Pebblets, and 1 Woven Fiber. Once you have the following resources, click on the Craft button and your axe will be ready! With your axe, you can chop down grass, dry grass, clovers, and even attack enemies with it.

If you have any questions or queries, drop them down in the comments section.
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