Home » Lost Ark: What is Knowledge Transfer, How Does It Work

Lost Ark: What is Knowledge Transfer, How Does It Work

The Lost Ark Knowledge Transfer system makes it easy for players to level their alternate characters with gold. It’s a quality of life feature introduced in the Korean servers later after launch. The Western launch will feature Knowledge Transfer right away, and it’s a quality of life improvement everyone welcomes. Here’s what you need to know about it:

What is Knowledge Transfer?

Knowledge Transfer allows you to level and progress alternate characters through gold. As long as you’ve manually completed that content with another character, you can skip the process with another. All you need is some gold and patience. Here are other details you need to know with Knowledge Transfer:

  • You can only boost characters through completed content
  • Each boost takes 8 hours to complete
  • Some content requires specific items or player completion requirements to fulfill
  • Higher content means more expensive gold costs.
  • A boosted character will have gear and accessories for their level.
  • You can boost a character to level 50
  • You can boost a character through late-game content
Image Courtesy of Smilegate RPG
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How to Knowledge Transfer

To unlock Knowledge Transfer, you’ll need to progress your Stronghold levels. Eventually, you’ll receive an unlock notification for the NPC. Once you’ve received it, go to the robot NPC and select a character and the boost you want to pay for. You can only use Knowledge Transfer progressively, meaning that a character can only fulfill one area at a time.

  • For example, if your character wants to progress Yorn, they’ll have to complete North Bern and Rohendel first. You’ll have to pay two Knowledge Transfers and wait 16 hours (8 hours each) before you can boost in Yorn.
  • While it does take time, it helps you level your characters without going through the same grinding process. Eventually, you’ll have the characters you want to tackle events and late-game content.

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