Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, “Massive” Expansion Summer 2022

Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak Massive Expansion Summer 2022

For those who don’t know, Monster Hunter Rise is an action role-playing game developed and published by Capcom. It was released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch in March 2021 and is planned to arrive on PC in the first half of 2022. It received a lot of love from the audience and critics alike and has a score of 88 on Metacritic. While it is only been a few months since it arrived, we already have news about a new expansion of the game.

The Announcement

Capcom, the developer of MHRise took to Twitter to announce the arrival of a new expansion. It stated that the expansion would be monstrous and will add a lot of new elements to the game. The expansion is all set to release in the summer of 2022 and would be a massive paid-for expansion.

“New threats loom on the horizon. #MHRise. Monster Hunter Rise: #Sunbreak, a monstrous expansion, lands on #NintendoSwitch and PC in Summer 2022,” tweeted @monsterhunter

It was first teased two days ago at the opening of the latest Nintendo Direct in Los Angeles. The tease revealed a new medieval ruin environment and some new lustful monsters, and now this has been officially confirmed.  So, let’s have a deeper look at this expansion called Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak.


Before we get to the analytical part, watch the trailer down below:

As you can see, it shows a massive dragon flying through the sky. One can also see the purple and red sunset unfolding giving it a very gloomy look. In fact, the entire footage depicts an unpleasant and dark environment with sinister fast-paced background music.

Not much else can be made out from the footage but, Capcom has promised new stories, new locales, new monsters, new hunting actions, and quest rank. What’s surprising is that game was released just months ago and it was quite unfinished at that time. It was later this summer when its cliffhanger ending was corrected through an update.

Fans still consider it a bit unfinished, but probably it would be polished before or along with the DLC release. Anyways it seems like the expansion is still pretty far and it is almost too early to announce it. Summer 2022 is at least 7-8 months away and it’s a long wait till then.

If you have any other questions regarding Monster Hunter Rise, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content related to Monster Hunter Rise, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.

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2 thoughts on “Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, “Massive” Expansion Summer 2022”

  1. Suggested corrections – you wrote, “The expansion is all set to release in the summer of 2019…” I believe you meant 2021.

    Anyhow, I’m totally jazzed about this as I quit playing once I had all the best armor in the game. The event quests compared to World are terrible and don’t have the epic feel of the ones in World. Hopefully the expansion gives the game new oomph.

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