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NGMI Meaning in NFT

NGMI Meaning in NFT

Some people tend to make poor decisions. Most of the time these are preventable, but sometimes, it’s just inevitable. In the NFT space, NGMI stands for Not Gonna Make It, which is the complete opposite of WGMI (We Gonna Make It). 


Photo Courtesy of nftska.com

Traders and investors use this term to express their personal bad trading decisions.

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  • Example usage:
    • “Not going to lie, I just invested 1 BTC in a shitcoin. SMH, NGMI 🙁
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NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are unique cryptographic tokens that live inside blockchains. Almost any form of photos, videos, audio, and arts can be turned into an NFT nowadays. You can trade, buy, or sell NFTs depending on your discretion.

Sometimes, traders dive into bad trades and put themselves in the worst position. They may lose funds, or even worse, get liquidated. If you want to MAKE IT, then research properly and be patient. The perfect time will come.

OTHER NEWS: LimeWire NFT Coming Soon, All Details

If you have any questions about NFTs, feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below. For more content, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.  

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