Home » PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022: Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022: Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - Cover Picture

At this point, it’s only routine to have your alarms set for every last Wednesday of the month. You must be wondering why right now. Well, Sony typically releases the lineup of games coming to their PlayStation Plus subscription on the last Wednesday of every month. Although this is true and we’re literally less than 24 hours away from knowing the games that PlayStation Plus subscribers can play, there’s no harm in guessing, right? Here are our predictions and the latest leaks for the free PlayStation Plus games this October 2022.

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - Tiers
Image Courtesy of PlayStation

Before we jump right into it, we’d like to give you a little refresher on what the PlayStation Plus subscription is. For starters, there are three tiers in the service now. This came after Sony decided to revamp it a few months ago. Of course, having tiers means that each tier will have different perks and benefits. Aside from getting to play online, one of the most sought-after benefits of a PlayStation Plus subscription is the free games.

As we said, Sony does this thing where they reveal these free games on the last Wednesday of every month.

  • Subscribers can then expect these games to be available on the service on the first Tuesday of the coming month
  • This means that we’ll know the official lineup for October on September 28th
  • Starting October 4th, these games will be available for PlayStation Plus subscribers

PlayStation Plus leaks, rumors, and predictions for October 2022

Leaks and rumors are common when talking about the lineup of free games for the PlayStation Plus. Some leaks arrive just days before an announcement, while some find their way on online forums months before they’re set to release.

Sony is no stranger to leaks especially when it comes to their PlayStation Plus service. Unfortunately, we only have one leak for the October 2022 lineup unlike before when a few leaks popped up here and there.

  • PlayStation Plus subscribers are in for a treat this spooky season with this rumored game
  • It’s a classic survival horror panic horror game from Capcom
  • The gameplay feels similar to Resident Evil, but you’ll be outrunning dinosaurs this time
  • Which game would this be other than Dino Crisis?

We previously talked about this game coming to the subscription back in July after an accidental announcement from PS Plus Italy. Along with Dino Crisis, the announcement included Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny and Ridge Racer 2 but since then, these three games haven’t been included in the service.

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - Soul Calibur Ridge Racer
Images Courtesy of BNE Entertainment

It’s possible that Sony saved a classic horror game such as Dino Crisis for October. It’s the perfect way to celebrate Halloween! But like with other video game leaks and rumors, be sure to take this with a grain of salt. There’s no guarantee that Dino Crisis is coming to the PlayStation Plus service unless Sony themselves announces it. We have our fingers crossed, though!

Predictions for free games this October 2022

Here is a list of games we think are coming to PlayStation Plus this October 2022:

  1. Dakar Desert Rally
  2. Dino Crisis
  3. House of Ashes
  4. Sackboy: A Big Adventure

  • Dakar Desert Rally

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - Dakar Desert Rally
Image Courtesy of Saber Interactive

Since Dakar Desert Rally has an October 4 release date, that alone is reason enough for us to believe that it’s going to be in the PlayStation Plus lineup for next month. Although this doesn’t exactly put us in the mood to celebrate Halloween, the game looks exciting. Hopefully, it does make it to the list of games coming to the service this October.

  • Dino Crisis

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - Dino Crisis
Images Courtesy of Capcom

We’ve already talked about the possibility of Dino Crisis becoming available for PlayStation Plus subscribers. There’s nothing better to get us in the Halloween spirit than trying to escape from killer dinosaurs in Dino Crisis.

  • House of Ashes

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - House of Ashes
Image Courtesy of Steam

We’d like to believe that House of Ashes is making its way to the PlayStation Plus service this October. Out of all the entries in The Dark Pictures Anthology, this one is yet to be released on the PS Plus. A new entry in the series called The Devil in Me is coming out on November 18th, so including House of Ashes on the PS Plus lineup next month may help promote it.

House of Ashes is a great psychological horror game from Supermassive Games and BANDAI NAMCO. Any and all gamers who have a preference for the horror genre should definitely play this game at least once.

  • Sackboy: A Big Adventure

PlayStation Plus Free Games for October 2022 Leaks, Predictions, and Rumors - Sackboy A Big Adventure
Image Courtesy of PlayStation

The last entry on our list of predictions is Sackboy: A Big Adventure. We know, we know. The other games listed here either fall under the horror genre or they’re an upcoming release. The reason why we think the latest Sackboy game is coming to the subscription service is simple: it’s a PlayStation exclusive that has yet to arrive on the PS Plus.

Unlike other PS exclusives like Spider-Man: Miles Morales, this game hasn’t been released on the service yet. There’s a high chance that changes this October if Sony does include Sackboy: A Big Adventure on their lineup for October.

The only way to know for sure which games are coming for PlayStation Plus subscribers is to wait for Sony’s announcement on September 28th. Here’s to hoping that the selection of games this October will keep us busy all month long.

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Are there any specific games you’d like to see on the PlayStation Plus service? Let us know in the comments below. Until then, stay with us here at Spiel Times for more content.

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SOURCES: PlayStation, BNE Entertainment, Steam, Capcom, Saber Interactive, Freepik

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