Pokemon Go Animation Week has started and we have some amazing details to share with you. We’ll keep this guide very easy to understand and simple. Here’s everything you need to know about the Pokemon Go Animation Week 2020.
Start Date & End Date
Starts: November 6
Ends: November 12
Pokemon Spawns
Pokemon Go Animation Week 2020 Research
There are 11 steps and you get Lucky Eggs and TMs. Following are the steps –
Step 1
- Catch 5 Pokemon (3 Razz Berries)
- Transfer a Pokemon (3 Super Potions)
- Make 3 nice throws (5 Poke Balls)
- Rewards: Event Pikachu encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 2
- Battle one trainer (3 Hyper Potions)
- Battle in a raid (3 Revives)
- Win one raid (1 Incense)
- Rewards: 1 Sinnoh Stone, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 3
- Defeat Team Go Rocket Grunts (20 Venusaur Mega Energy)
- Catch 2 Pokemon with weather boost (20 Benusaur Mega Energy)
- Catch 3 grass-type Pokemon (20 Venusaur Mega Energy)
- Rewards: Ivysaur encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 4
- Give your buddy 3 treats (5 Razz Berries)
- Earn a heart with your buddy (5 Pinap Berries)
- Earn a Candy walking with your buddy (5 Nanab Berries)
- Rewards: Snorlax encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 5
- Catch 3 bug-type Pokemon (3 Pinap Berries)
- Use 3 berries to catch Pokemon (3 Great Balls)
- Make an excellent throw (Venonat encounter)
- Rewards: Scyther encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 6
- Battle in a gym 2 times (1 Fast TM)
- Win a gym battle (Hariyama encounter)
- Battle another trainer (3 Super Potions)
- Rewards: 1 Charged TM, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 7
- Hatch an egg (Tentacool encounter)
- Spin 3 PokeStops or gyms (Croagunk encounter)
- Spin 3 PokeStops or gyms (Piplup encounter)
- Rewards: Psyduck encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 8
- Make 3 nice throws in a row (Cyndaquil encounter)
- Catch a flying-type Pokemon (Hoothoot encounter)
- Purify a Shadow Pokemon (1 Lucky Egg)
- Rewards: Fearow encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 9
- Evolve 3 Pokemon (1 Silver Pinap Berry)
- Power up Pokemon 3 times (Dratini encounter)
- Transfer 5 Pokemon (Dewgong encounter)
- Rewards: 1 Dragon Scale, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 10
- Catch 5 Pokemon (10 Ultra Balls)
- Make 3 great throws (Magnemite encounter)
- Battle in a raid (3 Max Revives)
- Rewards: Gengar encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
Step 11
- Claim reward (1,000 XP) – three times
- Rewards: Event Pikachu encounter, 500 Stardust, and 500 XP.
If you have any doubts or questions regarding Pokemon Go Animation Week 2020, its rewards, and the research event, feel free to comment down below.
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