Home » Pokemon GO: Manectric | Best Counters, Weaknesses, and More

Pokemon GO: Manectric | Best Counters, Weaknesses, and More

Pokemon GO: Manectric | Best Counters, Weaknesses, and More

Manectric has charged into Pokemon GO as an electric-type raid boss. This canine Pokemon may look cuddly, but it packs quite a zap. With the right counters, however, trainers can easily tame Manectric’s wild sparks. In this article, we will look at Manectric best counters, weaknesses, and stats in Pokemon GO.

Pokemon GO: Manectric | Best Counters, Weaknesses, and More

An Electric Evolution

Manectric evolves from Electrike at 50 candies. Its mane constantly crackles with electricity that can even start forest fires.

This Pokemon has two forms:

  • Normal Manectric: Appears in Tier 2 raids
  • Mega Manectric: Requires Mega Energy to evolve

Mega Manectric demands a hefty 100 Mega Energy for the first evolution, and 20 for subsequent ones. So make those inaugural Megas count!

Zapping Stats

Manectric’s maximum CP caps at 2,340 at Level 40. Its base stats are:

  • Attack: 215
  • Defense: 127
  • Stamina: 172

With a weather boost (rainy weather), the maximum CP reaches 2,173 at Level 35.

Electrifying Movesets of Manectric

Manectric’s optimal moveset for offense and defense is:

  • Fast Move: Thunder Fang
  • Charged Move: Wild Charge

This deadly combo has the highest DPS for taking down enemies.

Thunder Fang and Wild Charge both benefit from STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus). This provides a 20% damage boost since Manectric is Electric type.

Manectric’s Weaknesses

As an Electric-type Pokémon, Manectric has a glaring weakness to Ground-type moves. Ground-type attacks deal a devastating 160% increased damage to Manectric. This vulnerability to Ground represents Manectric’s major Achilles heel in battle. Even the mightiest Electric types fear the super-effective power of Ground moves. Manectric is no exception, crumbling quickly when faced with potent Ground moves. Exploiting Manectric’s weakness to Ground will be key for trainers hoping to defeat this electric canine.

Countering Manectric

The top counters include:

  • Groudon
  • Garchomp
  • Excadrill
  • Mamoswine
  • Rhyperior

Ground types like these can quickly ground Manectric’s electrifying energy.

With the right counters, Manectric becomes a shocking-ly easy raid. Just 1-2 high-level players can typically defeat it.

Catching the Canine

Once players have defused Manectric’s electric outbursts in battle, it’s time to catch it!

The catch CP range for Manectric is:

  • Normal: 1,267 – 1,337
  • Weather Boosted: 1,585 – 1,672

There is also a very slim chance of catching a Shiny Manectric. Its spiky yellow mane turns a shocking shade of blue.


While Manectric packs quite a punch, its Electric typing leaves it vulnerable to potent Ground moves. Assembling a team of Groudon, Garchomp, and other Ground types can easily ground out a victory. Just be careful not to get paralyzed by Manectric’s Wild Charge!

With the right counters, Manectric is an electrifying yet manageable raid boss. Defeating it allows trainers to add this sparking Electric canine to their roster.

If you have any further questions about Manectric best counters, weaknesses, and stats in Pokemon GO, comment below. We would love to hear from you and help you.

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