Home » Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet – What is Last Respects?

Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet – What is Last Respects?

Last Respects is one of the new moves introduced in Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet. It’s a ghost-type move that can increase power, provided you fulfill its unique requirement. It’s a strong move to include in your overall strategy since it can work effectively against different Pokemon types. Here’s what you need to know about it and how to maximize its effectiveness.

Last Respects – An Overview

Last Respects is a ghost-type attack with a base power of 50. It doesn’t do much at a glance, but its unique effect makes it powerful. It says that Last Respect’s power increases by another 50 for each fainted Pokémon in your party. As the name implies, it can be a powerful one-hit shot used by the last Pokémon you have when you’re in danger of losing.

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It isn’t a great strategy to have your entire team faint and focus on Last Respects. Instead, it’s more of a last resort you can use when you want to snag the win in dire circumstances. Because it’s a Ghost move, it’s highly effective against Psychic types and similar ghost Pokémon. However, be wary of Dark types that have resistance and Normal types that are immune to it.

Who Can Use Last Respects?

Currently, only two Pokémon in Scarlet and Violet can use this move. The first is Houndstone, one of the latest additions to the game and the evolution of Greavard. Many people already know Greavard from the cute trailer that introduced the dog with a candle hat. Houndstone is a Gen 9 native, meaning it will be easier to catch him to add to your collection for Last Respects.

The second one is a bit trickier, as it’s only available through Basculegion. The Pokémon made its debut in Pokémon Legends: Arceus as an evolution to Basculin. The previously unremarkable Basculin suddenly became a powerful water and ghost duo thanks to the Arceus game. The easiest way to get one will be through Pokémon Home.

You’ll have to gather Basculin and breed it before bringing it to your Pokémon: Scarlet or Violet through Pokémon Home. Once you have a Basculegion, you can teach it Last Respects and have it ready as the final member of your party.

One thing to note about Basculegion is that the male and female counterparts have different stats. Males have stronger attacks, but females have a better special attack. In the grand scheme of things, it might not matter much, but if you’re a min-maxed, you may want to consider this as you form your party.

Reaching the Endgame

Many players are already finding themselves at the endgame of Scarlet and Violet, where they’ve beaten the main story. You’ll find that despite the game’s changes, the endgame feels the same. You’ll have the opportunity to complete your Pokedex, and some new activities will now be available.

One of the things players are doing is participating in high-level Tera raids. These five- and six-star raids require powerful Pokémon and reliable strategies to beat.

ALSO READ: Pokemon: Scarlet and Violet – What is Salt Cure?

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