Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are among the latest in a long line of titles that have been released with two identical editions at launch. Aside from a few Pokémon that can only be obtained through one of the games, the plot and gameplay are nearly identical in both of the two versions but which pokemons are the strongest in both games?
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Azelf | Jirachi | Mew |
Dialga | Manaphy | Palkia |
Garchomp | Mesprit | Uxie |
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Blissey | Gyarados | Mamoswine |
Crobat | Infernape | Milotic |
Electivire | Magmortar | Rhyperior |
Empoleon | Magnezone | Snorlax |
Togekiss |
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Alakazam | Golduck | Pinsir |
Bronzong | Heracross | Rapidash |
Drapion | Hippowdown | Roserade |
Dusknoir | Honchkrow | Scizor |
Espeon | Houndoom | Scyther |
Flareon | Jolteon | Steelix |
Gallade | Leafeon | Tentacruel |
Gardevoir | Lickilicky | Torterra |
Gengar | Lucario | Umbreon |
Glaceon | Luxray | Vaporeon |
Gliscor | Machamp | Weavile |
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Abomasnow | Froslass | Noctowl |
Absol | Gastrodon | Octillery |
Altaria | Girafarig | Piloswine |
Ambipom | Glalie | Purugly |
Bastiodon | Golbat | Raichu |
Carnivine | Golem | Rampardos |
Chansey | Jynx | Rhydon |
Cherrim | Lopunny | Seaking |
Chimecho | Lumineon | Skuntank |
Clefable | Magmar | Spiritbomb |
Drifblim | Magneton | Staraptor |
Dusclops | Mantine | Toxicroak |
Electabuzz | Mismagius | Vespiquen |
Floatzel | Mr Mime | Whiscash |
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Arcanine | Groudon | Rayquaza |
Arceus | Heatran | Regice |
Articuno | Ho Oh | Regigas |
Celebi | Kyogre | Regirock |
Cresselia | Latias | Registeel |
Darkrai | Latios | Salamence |
Deoxys | Lugia | Shaymin Land |
Dragonite | Metagross | Shaymin Sky |
Entei | Mewtwo | Slaking |
Giratina (Altered) | Moltres | Suicune |
Giratina (Origin) | Raikou | Tyranitar |
Zapdos |
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Aggron | Feraligatr | Swampert |
Blastoise | Kingdra | Tangrowth |
Blaziken | Lapras | Typhlosion |
Charizard | Porygon-Z | Walrein |
Exeggutor | Sceptile |
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Aerodactyl | Muk | Probopass |
Ampharos | Nidoking | Shuckle |
Claydon | Nidoqueen | Stamie |
Cloyster | Ninetales | Ursaring |
Donphan | Politoed | Venusaur |
Flygon | Poliwrath | Wailord |
Meganium | Porygon2 | Yanmega |
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Arbok | Hitmontop | Seviper |
Armaldo | Huntail | Sharpedo |
Banette | Hypno | Shiftry |
Bellossom | Jumpluff | Skarmory |
Breloom | Kabutops | Slowbro |
Cacturne | Kangaskhan | Slowking |
Camerupt | Kingler | Solrock |
Cradily | Lanturn | Stantler |
Crawdaunt | Ludicolo | Swalot |
Dewgong | Lunatone | Swellow |
Dodrio | Manectric | Tauros |
Electrode | Masquerain | Torkoal |
Exploud | Miltank | Tropius |
Forrestress | Ninjask | Venemoth |
Gorebyss | Omastar | Victreebel |
Granbull | Phione | Vileplume |
Grumpig | Pidgeot | Weezing |
Hariyama | Primeape | Xatu |
Hitmonchan | Relicanth | Zangoose |
Hitmonlee | Sandslash |
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