Home » Techland Confirmed One Of The First Games For Next-Gen Consoles

Techland Confirmed One Of The First Games For Next-Gen Consoles

dying light 2

The next-gen is not just around the corner but is close enough to think of it frequently and, above all, it’s so affordable that all the big video game developers are thinking of the first titles coming to PS5 and Xbox Scarlett. Most, however, are not yet ready to reveal or confirm anything.

Techland CTO, Pawel Rohleder, spoke to WCCFTech confirming that Dying Light 2 will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but also on PS5 and Xbox Scarlett (or Project Scarlett, if you prefer). Clearly, since this is already news of a certain weight, nothing else has been revealed except that Dying Light 2 was from the beginning thought of as a cross-gen title. We should not expect, perhaps, a botched conversion, but a title that exploits the superior power of the new gaming machines from Sony and Microsoft.

We already know that Dying Light 2 will be released on PC and on the current generated during the spring of 2020. PS5 and Xbox Scarlett are expected by the end of 2020, but for now, we do not know if Techland aims to release Dying Light 2 at the same time as the consoles or if it will need to take a little more time to complete the next-gen version.

Day after day the potential of PS5 and Xbox Scarlett becomes clearer, especially thanks to the many developers who see an interesting change in the next-gen. The new consoles, in fact, will not only benefit large studios that aim at technically avant-garde works, but it will also help small developers who can work more peacefully, having to spend less time optimizing their titles.

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