A small seaside town in Britain is reeling after the heartbreaking discovery of a 2-year-old boy, Bronson Battersby, found dead alongside his father, Kenneth. This tragedy has ripped through the hearts of the town, leaving a trail of unanswered questions.
Bronson, just two years old, was last seen alive with his father on Boxing Day. It wasn’t until January 10th that their bodies were discovered, raising unsettling concerns about the time gap and the effectiveness of the support systems meant to safeguard him.
Timeline of Events:
- December 27: Social worker’s last contact with Kenneth Brunson
- 2nd of January: Social worker visits Bronson and receives no answer; Calls police
- 4th of January: Social workers visited again, and contacted the police due to no response.
- 9th of January: Police gain entry via the landlady and discover the tragic scene.
- Investigations Launched: Both Lincolnshire County Council Children’s Services and Lincolnshire Police initiate reviews.
Children’s Services had Bronson under their care, with scheduled visits every few weeks. However, the tragic outcome has brought the adequacy of this schedule into stark question.
What happened to Bronson Battersby?
Bronson was found lifeless and cuddled next to his father’s deceased body on January 9, 2024. According to reports, Kenneth died of a heart attack.
The sister of two-year-old Bronson Battersby has said she does not blame social services.
Melanie Battersby spoke to the BBC as a 'rapid review' was launched into the death of the youngster who was found alongside his dad who had suffered a heart attackhttps://t.co/sg5c4NDoTV pic.twitter.com/9VKhna9P3u
— BBC Breakfast (@BBCBreakfast) January 19, 2024
The 2-year-old boy reportedly then passed due to dehydration and exhaustion. Investigations reveal that Bronson was left alone for 2 weeks unable to get himself food and water to drink.
Where was the mother?
Sarah Piesse is separated from Kenny Battersby who has custody of Bronson as the pair agreed Kenny’s house was safer. She hadn’t seen her son for weeks after a disagreement with Kenny.
Bronson was scheduled to meet his mother to get his Christmas present, which is still wrapped since they last saw one other in November.
@thesun Sarah Piesse fought back tears as she spoke of her son who was left to die alone next to his dead dad. Piesse said he was two inches too small to reach a fridge full of leftovers that would have saved him #bronsonbattersby #news
The social worker working on Bronson’s case has not been suspended, according to Lincolnshire County Council, but it is believed that they have taken a voluntary leave of absence.