Home » Valorant Agent 18 Leaks, Release Date

Valorant Agent 18 Leaks, Release Date

There’s still a long way to go until Valorant Agent 18 appears. However, we’re getting some initial glimpses of the mysterious figure, who should appear in Episode 3 Act 3 of the game!

Players are still getting used to the effect of the most recent Agent addition, the cyborg initiator KAY/O. Once Episode 3 Act 2 is released, keep an eye out for the next agent, ‘Deadeye.’

Agent 18: Sprinter

  • As per a ValorLeaks thread, there isn’t much information about Agent 18. Well, except an evident name affixed to a string of code that labels them as “Sprinter”. Of course, this does not reveal the character’s official title. Nonetheless, it does provide insight into how the developers intend to tweak Valorant’s gameplay.
  • In most tactical FPS games, running is not a choice; instead, characters must hold out their close combat weapon to gain the greatest speed boost. If ‘Sprinter’ is any indication, we may have our first Agent capable of running. Akin to Overwatch’s Soldier: 76, who has the skill Sprint.

Then again, there’s no official word on Agent 18 from Riot’s press release, and what little information there is now could eventually shift by the time the new agents are released.

Possible Release Date

Whoever this Agent is, don’t assume to see much of them anytime soon because there’s still another launch to go through before they hit the game. The release date for Episode 3 Act 2 and its corresponding Agent, ‘Deadeye’ as they refer, is on the 24th of August. That signifies we won’t see Agent 18 until we get near to Episode 3 Act 3, which is expected to premiere around October 19.

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