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Valorant: Error Code 43 Easy Fix

Valorant Error Code 43 Easy Fix

Isn’t it frustrating when you aren’t able to connect to Valorant and the only thing you can see on the screen is “Error Code 43”? It is a connectivity issue that occurs to more users than you can imagine. But don’t worry as we are right here to cater to your grievances and provide you with the best gaming experience.

About Error Code 43

“NOT YET. There was an error connecting to the platform. Please restart your game client. Error Code: 43”, is what your screen reads in such an error. You will usually encounter this error when you try to log into a game or during gameplay sessions. You are not alone, as this issue is very common among Valorant players.

It is a connectivity issue that takes place when you can’t reach the Valorant servers. Error Code 43 is caused mainly due to servers being unavailable. In case that is the problem, you merely need to wait till they are back up. Just check Riot Games Twitter Support handle or visit their Riot Games Service Status website. But that’s not it as the problem sometimes is from your end as well.

The Fix

Courtesy of Riot Games

There might be instances where you may face Error Code 43 and there might be no information about it on Twitter or their server website. In case of a worldwide server error, fans will make it known on Twitter and various other forums. So, if you don’t see any such activity, it means the error is probably on your end. Now there is a range of solutions that you can try.

Restart Your Game

It is the most basic fix, which will be the first thing anyone would do.

Restart Your Computer

The next thing you should try is restarting your computer as your RAM might be facing difficulties.

Restart Your Modem/Router

Obviously, if you are facing connection issues, you must try and restarting your router or modem devices.

Flush Your DNS
This could be a bit complicated for many users as you might not be aware of the run as administrator commands. You can look up How to Flush DNS on Google and you’ll find some simple steps to do it. Once you are done, remember to restart your PC.
Update network adapter driver

The problem can also be in the network adapter driver of your PC. Just go to your Device Manager and update it. Also, make sure you have the latest version of the driver.

Contact your ISP

If nothing works, it is best to contact your Internet Service Provider. Tell them you are facing difficulties in loading Valorant and they should look into it.

If all this doesn’t work, just wait. As in that case, maybe the issue is from Valorant servers itself, but somehow other fans haven’t gotten berserk yet.

If you have any other questions regarding Valorant, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content related to Valorant, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.

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