Home » What is Canine or Doggie Dementia + How to prevent it?

What is Canine or Doggie Dementia + How to prevent it?

Canine or doggie dementia + prevent it

Dogs face health problems due to aging. Similar to humans, man’s best four-legged friends need the care to prevent psychological diseases such as Canine or Doggie Dementia as well as Depression.


What is Canine or Doggie Dementia?

Aging is not amicable with health, let it be for humans or their best friends. Dogs face many physical and psychological diseases which need a quick diagnosis to help assist and reduce their struggles. If your doggie is showing signs of confusion then it might be suffering from Canine Dementia.

  • Doggie Dementia, also known as Canine Cognitive Dysfunction (CCD) is a psychological disorder similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. It is related to the aging process and affects memory power and learning capacity.
  • Over 50% of dogs above the age of 11 show clinical signs of Dementia. Therefore, regular checkups are necessary.
Cause and prevention of dementia in dogs and canines
Image courtesy of The Spruce

How to know if your canine is suffering from Dementia

The symptoms of Doggie Dementia are similar to Alzheimer’s, ranging from mild to severe. They are hard to detect in their early stages due to their mildness. However, they worsen over time. Let us take a look at some common symptoms which can help fur parents detect Dementia in canines.

  • Confusion: Dogs show disorientation and confusion in familiar surroundings.
  • Anxiety and Irritability: Dogs show anxiety over commands and frequently get irritated by activities.
  • Forgetfulness: Dogs fail to remember routine and house rules. They may also stop responding to their name or familiar commands.
  • Blankness: Dogs blank out and keep staring at a wall and lose enthusiasm for playtime.
  • Repetitiveness: Dogs aimlessly repeat their activity such as wandering and do not pick up new tricks.
  • Appearance: Grooming, appetite, and sleep schedule changes drastically causing weight loss and sleepwalking.

How is Dementia diagnosed in canines?

Even when your dog is showing the above-mentioned symptoms, it needs to get a proper diagnosis to confirm the disease. The symptoms can also be indicators of some other disorder that your dog is struggling with.

  • A veterinarian will eliminate all possible diseases through various diagnoses and an MRI scan. Therefore, if you have a suspicion of your dog facing dementia, a visit to the vet can help you out and help you find ways to cure the ailment.
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Doggie Canine Dementia Cause and Prevention
Image courtesy of The Spruce

What is the root cause of Dementia in dogs?

The main cause of dementia in canines is unknown. However, doctors consider aging as one of the prominent causes. During the aging process, the body goes through various physical and chemical changes which affect brain function among other organs resulting in dementia. Apart from that other genetic factors, brain tumors and/or brain trauma can result in an early onset of dementia in canines.

Doggie Dementia
Image courtesy of PetCube

What are treatments for Canine Dementia?

This disease isn’t curable, so vets focus on slowing down its progression with proper care instead. There are several procedures available for treatment according to the stages and needs of each patient. This includes medication, supplements, diet regulation, and surgery. Suitable care for doggie dementia can help reduce the suffering and slow down the progression.

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Ways to prevent Doggie Dementia:

Veterinarians suggest having a physically and mentally active lifestyle to prevent canine dementia. Teaching them new tricks, playing together, regularly exercising, intaking a balanced diet and supplements, and socializing in new surroundings help prevent various diseases caused due to aging.

  • If you suspect your dog is suffering from dementia then consulting with a professional will help and apart from that, it is always good to have regular checkups to take precautions for any symptoms.

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SOURCE: Easy Bay

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