Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories also known as “Theatre of Darkness” is a supernatural horror anime series directed by Tomoya Takashima. It consists of stories based on Japanese urban legends and folklore. The series first aired on 15th July 2013. It is confirmed that it is making a comeback for its 11th season in July 2023. In this article, we will discuss what the anime, Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories is about, a possible season 11 of Yamishibai, and what this underrated anime has to offer.
From 2013 to 2023 – Why has Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories not gained popularity?
While the anime series, Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories has 10 seasons and well over 100 episodes, it can still be considered underrated. Despite it being so long, it is not as popular as other supernatural horror anime series such as Jujutsu Kaisen or Another.
One of the main reasons behind its lack of popularity could be the animation style. While it has practiced non-traditional art and animation style, it might not seem appealing to the larger audience and international Otakus.
Also, because the anime’s storyline revolves around Japanese Folklore, it might not interest Western audiences. But, even so, Yamishibai deserves to get the recognition it deserves and gain popularity as it is an exceptional horror anime series.
How Yamishibai has preserved Kamishibai
The anime Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories, follows a unique format of storytelling that is similar to Japan’s street theater known as Kamishibai. Yamishibai introduces this wonderful classical method of storytelling to modern audiences with a unique twist.
Kamishibai was a very popular method of storytelling in post-war Japan and during the Great Depression. Kamishibai consists of a storyteller who roams the streets and tells stories using illustrations.
But in Yamishibai, the narrator is an old man with a ghastly yellow mask who gathers children around in a playground and tells them horror stories. Apart from the unique storytelling style, the anime series has done exceptional and splendid work in executing the jumpscares throughout the show. It also creates a heavy atmosphere with eerie sounds and loud silences to accentuate the jumpscares.
Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories Season 11 updates
The horror anime series Yamishibai was first aired in July 2013. It is ready for its comeback with the newest season 11, which is set to release in July 2023. Although it seems scarily long of a series, each episode is about 4-5 minutes long.
And since the episodes are all standalone, you can easily skip them in between. Despite having a tight budget, Yamishibai combines a unique method of storytelling with multiple tropes and elements of horror which makes it one of the most thrilling, yet underrated horror anime series.
Although no trailers have been released as of yet, we have high hopes for Yamishibai Season 11 because it is a very compelling and dark series that has held the audience’s attention for such a long time.
The folktales are unsettling but genuine, which is why the series has been going on for so long. As far as the cast for Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories is concerned, the full list has not been revealed yet. But, it is expected that Kanji Tsuda will still voice the storyteller’s character.
Yamishibai Season 11 will be broadcast on Japanese local TV channels like TV Tokyo. It is also expected that Crunchyroll will also stream the anime online simultaneously. We also have high hopes and expectations from Season 11 of Yamishibai. And we hope this summer is filled with jumpscares and the eeriness of Japanese folklore and urban legends.
If you have any questions regarding Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories and upcoming anime updates, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.
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