Home » Destiny 2: All Exotic Fish | Locations

Destiny 2: All Exotic Fish | Locations

Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is a first-person shooter game developed and published by Bungie. It is one of the world’s most famous and successful game franchises. With the growing community in Destiny 2, Bungie regularly releases expansions, updates, new weapons, and other features for players to enjoy. The most recent update introduced “Fishing” in Destiny 2. Although it might not sound like the most fun thing to do, it can be challenging and highly rewarding if you land your hands on one of the exotic fishes. This guide will help you with all you need to know about the location and rewards of exotic fishes, how to redeem them in Destiny 2, alongside some extra tips and tricks to make your fisherman’s life easy.

All Exotic Fish in Destiny 2

At the time of writing, we have been able to find just two types of exotic fish. We can assume that due to their rarity, there are only 2 exotic fishes in Destiny 2 as of now, but keep an eye on this page as we will update the list as soon as another one gets added/found.

Fishing Destiny 2
Fishing, Destiny 2 (Image by Bungie)

These are the two exotic Fishes in Destiny 2:

  • Kheprian Axehead
  • Aeonian Alpha-Betta

Exotic Fish Location 

As of now, there are three fishing locations in Destiny 2, and these spots are:

  • Winding Cove, EDZ
  • Cistern, Nessus
  • Miasma, Savathun’s Throne World

NOTE: We found our luck in EDZ, but we are sure the exotic fishes would not be limited to one pond. 

Destiny 2 Exotic Fish Rewards

You might be thinking about how valuable a fish can be in Destiny 2. We would say it is worth spending time catching exotic fish as they are highly rewarding. These are the rewards you can obtain if you can land your hands on one of them:

  • Exotic items, including Exotic Material and Exotic armor
  • Glimmer
  • Sonar Station Reputation
  • Legendary gear, including Reckoning weapons
  • Deep Dive Keys

How to redeem/collect Exotic Fish rewards

After securing one of the exotic fish in Destiny 2, you must redeem it. Follow these steps for a smooth process:

  • Navigate yourself back to the H.E.L.M
  • You will find a tank in the location. Walk towards it.
  • When you are close enough to the tank, it will give you the option “Release Fish.”
  • Click the option, and you will offer the fish to the tank and earn yourself rewards depending on the fish type you offered.

Tips and Tricks for Catching Exotic Fish in Destiny 2

fishing location in Destiny 2
Fishing in Destiny 2 (snapshot from Ehroar, YouTube)

Considering most gamers don’t get enough time for fishing, we are here to help you with a few tips and tricks for catching exotic fish in Destiny 2.

  • Keep your attention on the focused fishing meter, as it will increase your accuracy and chance of securing an exotic fish. The meter increases every time you catch a legendary fish; successfully doing it 3-4 times can fill your meter and increase the chances of getting an exotic fish.
  • Look for an “increased activity” notification on one of the ponds on your map. Fishing in groups can increase your chance of getting an exotic fish, so it’s better to do it with your friends. Also, if one of you can secure the exotic fish, everyone can redeem the rewards.
  • Have enough bait, as catching an exotic fish is not easy. Lastly, the catch should be perfect, so it will require a little practice before you can secure one of these exotic fishes.

For more general details on fishing, you can visit this article. Let us know if you have other questions about Fishing and Exotic Fishes in Destiny 2. You are also free to leave any thoughts you have in the comments below!

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