Genshin Impact 2.8 is nearing its end as we enter Phase 2 with a Yoimiya rerun banner. However, we can’t help but wonder which characters are the best characters to use for each Element now that we are in Genshin Impact 2.8.
With the number of new characters rumored to join Genshin Impact in future updates, it will also add another Element: Dendro. Although the Dendro element has been around since the game was first released, there are currently no playable characters who possess the Dendro Vision. Therefore, we’ve made a list of the best characters to use in Genshin Impact according to the other six Elements.
Best Genshin Impact Characters according to their Element
There are currently 51 playable Genshin Impact characters as of Version 2.8, with each of them possessing one of the six Elements in the game. Although it usually depends on tactics and preferences, there’s no denying that some characters are stronger than others.
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Team compositions are important and matter especially as you progress in Genshin Impact. The higher your Adventure Rank is, the stronger your enemies get. So most players look for Characters who can generate high amounts of DMG or provide great support stats to the team.
Under each Element, we’ve included a four-star alternative since not everyone is lucky when pulling for five-star characters in Genshin Impact. Additionally, the best role for the character is also indicated as well as a brief explanation of what they provide for team compositions.
To give you a brief overview, here are the best characters according to each Element in Genshin Impact:
- Xiao (5-star)
- Sucrose (4-star)
- Hu Tao (5-star)
- Bennett (4-star)
- Ganyu (5-star)
- Diona (4-star)
- Kamisato Ayato (5-star)
- Xingqiu (4-star)
- Zhongli (5-star)
- Noelle (4-star)
- Raiden Shogun (5-star)
- Fischl (4-star)
Best Anemo characters
The best Anemo character at the moment is still Xiao. Even though he’s one of the game’s earliest characters to release, Xiao is the best five-star unit with an Anemo vision.
In most damage showcases, players use Xiao since equipping him with the right artifacts gives you the ability to deal great DMG in Genshin Impact. That makes Xiao a great DPS for your team if you have him.
On the other hand, you have to be careful when using Xiao since he loses HP every time you use his Elemental Burst. But if you are able to build him well, it will be worth it. Just make sure to team him up with an off-field Healer unit like Barbara or Qiqi.
As for the best four-star Anemo character in Genshin Impact, Sucrose is the first name that comes to mind. Again, building this character well is the key to maximizing her Support abilities. Additionally, Sucrose is one of the most flexible units in Genshin Impact.
Best Pyro characters
Moving on to the second Element, we have Pyro. The best Pyro character would be Hu Tao. Similar to Xiao, she fills the Main DPS role in her team. Additionally, she also loses HP when using her Elemental Skill. But don’t worry since her ATK scales off of this. The lower Hu Tao’s HP is, the stronger she gets.
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Make sure you have a healer on your team if you plan on having Hu Tao as your main. But be careful with healing her since like we explained, the amount of DMG she can inflict is based on how low her HP is. If you want to heal Hu Tao, you can do so right after you’re done clearing mobs of enemies.
For the best four-star Pyro character, there’s no contesting Bennett. Aside from having the ability to dish out high amounts of DMG if built properly, Bennett is also considered a healer unit.
Furthermore, he has one of the best Energy Recharge stats in the game. So you can spam his Elemental Burst over and over again to get that sweet, sweet DMG boost plus healing while you’re in the AoE of his Burst.
Best Cryo characters
The next element in Genshin Impact is Cryo. For the best character with this element, Ganyu is undeniably the best Cryo character released so far in the game. Similar to other five-star units we’ve listed so far, Ganyu is a powerful Cryo DPS unit to have on your team.
- Her passive is also impressive since it boosts the CRIT Rate of your arrows by twenty percent.
- And as for her Elemental Burst, it can easily deal with high amounts of Cryo DMG since it boosts this stat.
So if you have Ganyu and you’re still getting around to building her, we suggest prioritizing her. She’s a dream to have on your team because of how efficient she is as a DPS unit.
As for the best four-star character with the Cryo element, Diona is (in our opinion) the best. Similar to Bennett, Diona can dish out DMG while providing healing for the rest of the team. Most players choose to center their Diona builds around boosted CRIT DMG and CRIT Rate.
Additionally, her versatility can give you the chance to use Diona as an energy battery for your team. If you want to use her as a battery, make sure to equip her with bows that focus on this stat.
Best Hydro characters
Tartaglia has finally been dethroned as the best Hydro character when Kamisato Ayato arrived in Genshin Impact 2.6. Right now, Kamisato Ayato is the best Hydro unit in Genshin Impact. When he first came out, players immediately observed how flexible Ayato is. If you have him, you can build him as either your team’s DPS or Support unit. Either of the two roles is the best role for Ayato.
- One of the reasons why he’s considered the best five-star Hydro character is because of his quick attacks which can cause a significant amount of DMG.
- Additionally, his Elemental Skill is useful in dealing DMG as well as generating Elemental particles which can quickly charge his Elemental Burst.
As for the best four-star character in Genshin Impact, Xingqiu is the most obvious bet. But unlike Bennett and Diona, it’s not recommended to focus your Xingqiu build on HP. If built well, Xingqiu is a great Support for any team. If you have him paired with Cryo characters, you can also use a Freeze comp for your team.
And have you seen his Elemental Burst? His rain swords are able to deal significant DMG against enemies so that makes him a great Hydro and Support unit overall.
Best Geo characters
Need we say more? We’re pretty sure every Genshin Impact player will agree when we say Zhongli is the best Geo character in the game. Sure, both Albedo and Arataki Itto are gunning for the title but at the end of the day, it’s Zhongli who reigns supreme.
If you’re looking for a Physical DPS unit, then Zhongli is the man for the job. However, he can also fit the role of a Support DPS since the damage from his Elemental Burst can get very high if he has the proper build. But the cherry on top for Zhongli is his shield.
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Ever since we got our hands on Zhongli, we’ve forgotten the art of dodging enemy attacks in Genshin Impact. Even at C0, Zhongli is such an effective unit for shielding. At the moment, our team comps have Zhongli regardless of whether it’s a Pyro or Electro-centered composition. Zhongli’s shield is a definite game changer in Genshin Impact.
But if you don’t have Zhongli, then the four-star Geo character who can fill his shoes is Noelle. What makes Noelle the best four-star Geo unit in Genshin Impact is her ability to be flexible on any team. Like Zhongli, Noelle is a gamechanger if you build her properly.
If she has the right set of artifacts and weapons, you can maximize Noelle. She has the ability to heal, provide shields, and dish out some serious damage, too. She’s one of the best and at the same time most underrated characters in Genshin Impact.
Best Electro characters
And finally, we have the Electro element in Genshin Impact. Honestly, no one can match the strength and power of the Raiden Shogun. She is the best five-star Electro character because who else can take her spot? After all, she is the Electro Archon. So it doesn’t come as a surprise that Genshin Impact decided to make her one of the best characters to have in the game.
Raiden Shogun is an excellent DPS and Support unit in Genshin Impact.
- Her Elemental Burst is powerful enough to inflict serious damage on her enemies. And as for her Elemental Skill, it’s such a joy to use since it dishes out damage even if you’re using another character.
- Additionally, Raiden Shogun also serves as your team’s battery with how much energy she can recharge while using her Elemental Burst.
So if you don’t have the Raiden Shogun on your team yet, we highly suggest setting aside some Primogems to make her come home.
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For the best four-star Electro character in Genshin Impact, Fischl came out on top. Although she isn’t fit for the role of Main DPS on your team, deploying Oz from her Elemental Skill is helpful in easily defeating enemies. While Oz is there on the field, you can use other characters (mainly Pyro or Hydro) to create powerful reactions.
Dealing damage is important in Genshin Impact
Almost all of the characters we mentioned above are focused on dealing damage. Although there are other roles in Genshin Impact like Healers or Shielders, it’s no secret that the higher your DMG is, the easier the game gets.

As your Adventure Rank increases, so does your World Level. And when your World Level increases, the enemies you encounter all over Teyvat become more powerful. Additionally, one of the main challenges in Genshin Impact is the Spiral Abyss. Most players want to clear this as quickly as possible since it provides valuable rewards like Primogems and high-quality artifacts.
Furthermore, any character can be the best character if you are able to build them well. So if you didn’t see the name of the character you use as your main, that doesn’t mean they’re weak or useless. It just means that there are better alternatives to those characters.
Any character can be the best character depending on your playstyle
On the other hand, it is entirely up to you how you choose to build these characters since that will determine how useful they are on your team. We also mentioned that some characters like Xingqiu have the ability to heal himself and other units. But despite this, he is not fitting for the Healer role since you’re wasting his potential to becoming a useful Sub DPS or Support on your team.
Nonetheless, we hope this helped you determine which character is the best to use in Genshin Impact 2.8. Surely, the meta will change once the Dendro characters are released.
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Who do you think are the best characters in Genshin Impact according to their Element? Do you feel like we missed a character? Feel free to love your thoughts in the comments below. And if ever we failed to include a character in this list, feel free to let us know as well!
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