Home » Genshin Impact: Latest Sumeru Leak Hints at Region Size and Location

Genshin Impact: Latest Sumeru Leak Hints at Region Size and Location

Genshin Impact Sumeru Leak Map

Genshin travelers, another leak on the Sumeru region has been going around hinting at its region size and location. If you want to know about this latest news, we’ll run you through it.

Version 3.0 Map

In a Tweet, according to @genshinBLANK, another credible leaker, this map could be the 3.0 map. Green markings are new areas, specifically what you see at the bottom left corner. As for the upper right, it could be another area or just a piece of the ocean.

The bottom left new area is on the South of Liyue and West of Inazuma. In line with this, the 2.6 map extension, the Chasm region, hints to be a bridge from Liyue to reach the newest area in Genshin Impact, Sumeru which is rumored to be a land of deserts and forests.


BLANK also added, according to a Reddit post, that the 3.0 map may be almost as big as Liyue. Even possibly that it could be larger than the Liyue map. Fans on the thread are talking about searching, digging, and growing the Dendroculi. Genshin Impact fans hope for higher stamina as well for the characters. We can’t wait to explore this new map extension!

Genshin Impact Sumeru BLANK Reddit 1
Photo courtesy of Reddit (via peridoit)
Genshin Impact Sumeru BLANK Reddit 2
Photo courtesy of Reddit (via peridoit)

Moreover, the arrival of the 2.8 may most likely be the last Inazuma update which leads to the 3.0 possibly arriving around the last week of August.

Genshin Impact Sumeru leaks have been excitingly the talk of the town as the players wait for its arrival in the game. However, the upcoming 2.8 also adds the most-awaited Golden Apple Archipelago Summer event. This is something to look forward to as it comes near in Genshin Impact!

More on Genshin Impact Sumeru

Genshin Impact’s Sumeru hints at having Genshin’s last element from the seven, the Dendro element, and may be one of the reasons why players follow updates and leaks on this 3.0 update.

Genshin Impact Sumeru Dendro
Photo courtesy of Genshin Impact Fandom Wiki

The Dendro element is the last element for Genshin Impact to add. This element hints to bring two elemental reactions with Overgrown and Intensified. Just a little more information on these elemental reactions, Overgrown causes explosive seeds to drop when a Hydro with Dendro triggers it. While Intensified elemental reaction grants an amount of damage buff for several seconds when a combination of Electro and Dendro triggers it.

Aside from the latest leaked map, this 3.0 update bounds to bring three more new characters into the game. Tighnari, a five-star character, while four-star characters Collei and Dori join the roster in Genshin Impact too. You may refer to our other Genshin Impact Sumeru updates below!

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We hope to see you in the 2.8 and 3.0 updates, Travellers!

Are you thrilled about the 2.8 and 3.0 updates’ arrival in Genshin? If you have any questions regarding this 3.0 map and Genshin Impact, feel free to ask in the comments below. For more content, stay with us, here at Spiel Times.

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