Home » In N Out Oakland California Is Permanently Closing | Will Other Stores Follow?

In N Out Oakland California Is Permanently Closing | Will Other Stores Follow?

In N Out Oakland California Is Permanently Closing | Will Other Stores Follow?

In N Out Oakland California branch announced a piece of unfortunate news to the fast food’s avid customers. Who would have thought that the store would be closing after years of serving their famous burgers in the busy location, it just came to an end. In case you missed it, here’s what you need to know about the In N Out Oakland California branch, and if any stores would follow its closing.

Why Is The In N Out Oakland California Branch Closing?

On Sunday, the In N Out Oakland California announced that it will be closing its doors on March 24, 2024. This is the only branch of the fast food restaurant in Oakland, at 8300 Oakport St., near the Oakland International Airport.

The In N Out Oakland California closing is due to the numerous crimes happening in the store. The business may be doing great in the area, but the branch would not continue its business as it prioritizes the employees’ and customers’ safety concerns.

According to media outlets, it was reported that 1,335 incidents were recorded by the police since 2019, which includes inside the store and its vicinity. Since it’s near the airport, most of these criminals target car break-ins from those who come from the airport.

“Despite taking repeated steps to create safer conditions, our Customers and Associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, property damage, theft, and armed robberies,” Denny Warnick, Chief Operating Officer of In N Out Oakland California said in the statement.

According to an In N Out fan on Twitter, workers from the branch will be transferred to another or they can receive their severance package when the store closes down in March.

Moreover, no other In N Out branches would be following the closing of the Oakland store. We hope that they can reopen another one in a much safer place than the first.

Netizens React To The Branch Closing

Many netizens on X are talking about the In N Out Oakland California and the reason for its closing. Some admired the fast food company for being transparent and giving the primary reason for their branch closure, which other companies cannot do.


Others shared their thoughts about Oakland and the unfortunate closing of stores. It’s saddening and maddening that these crime incidents happen. It’s unfair to those who work in the store and customers who enjoy their food would face terrifying situations at any time. We can say that the closing was a good call for In N Out employees and customers in the area.

What are your thoughts about the closing of the In N Out Oakland California branch? Share them with us in the comments below

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