Best Quotes in God of War: Ragnarok
Let’s face it, folks – God of War: Ragnarok has some of the best scriptwriting we’ve seen this year. If the players’ consensus isn’t proof enough of this, maybe Ragnarok taking home the award for Best Narrative at this year’s The Game Awards will be further proof of the game’s story being amazing. So without further ado, here are the best quotes in God of War: Ragnarok, ranked on how gut-wrenching and jaw-dropping they were when we first heard them in the game.1. “To grieve deeply… is to have loved fully.” – Faye
Quite possibly the best quote in the entire game, this one hit too close to home when we first heard it. This quote is mentioned during Kratos’ dream where he explores a forest with Faye. As he accompanies her with the tasks she needs to do, they begin talking about her last will. She mentions Kratos’ main objective in God of War (2018) where he will spread her ashes from the highest peak in Jotunheim.
The culmination of love is grief. And yet we love despite the inevitable, we open our hearts to it. When the pyre is spent and you’ve gathered my ashes, spread them from the highest peak in all the realms. You will do this for me. To grieve deeply… is to have loved fully. Open your heart to the world as you have opened it to me, and you will find every reason to keep living in it.
2. “I was wrong, Atreus. I was wrong. Open your heart. Open your heart to their suffering.” – Kratos
Kratos says this quote in God of War: Ragnarok when they are invading Asgard along with the other realms. As a way to defend Asgard, Odin has placed the displaced Midgardians at the forefront so they will be the first ones taken out in the event of Ragnarok.
- Throughout the whole game, Kratos tells Atreus to stop opening his heart too much toward others. The God of War most likely believes that this is the best option for Atreus so he can avoid getting hurt in the future.
- However, when Atreus forces himself to close his heart and not feel any empathy for the poor civilians dying because of Odin, Kratos does a complete 360 with what he’s been teaching his son the whole time.

- This quote also sums up how Kratos has changed over the years. From the kind of god who didn’t care who or how many people got hurt by his actions, to the loving and understanding father that he became in God of War: Ragnarok… his character arc was definitely one of our favorites in the series.
3. “The nature of a thing’s more important than the form of a thing.” – Brok to Kratos, then Kratos to Brok
During the chapter in God of War: Ragnarok where Kratos needs the Draupnir Spear, he climbs up The Forge with Brok. On the way up, Brok tells both Kratos and Mimir about how Dwarven magic is all about the “intangibles”. Although you may think that at this point, the quote in God of War: Ragnarok is insignificant, wait until you actually get the Draupnir Spear.
- Once Kratos receives the Draupnir Spear from The Lady, he asks for Brok’s blessing because it needs the blessing of a great blacksmith. Since the Dwarf is still reeling from finding out that his soul is incomplete, he denies Kratos. It would be meaningless if he blesses the spear while he doesn’t have all the parts of his soul.
- Nonetheless, Kratos repeats what Brok told him on the way up: “It is the nature of a thing that matters. Not its form.“

- When Kratos says this, Brok is taken aback and ponders quietly on the god’s words. After a short while, he finally agrees and blesses the Draupnir Spear. This was definitely one of our favorite moments between Brok and Kratos, as both of them act tough on the outside. But deep down, they can be vulnerable when the situation calls for it.
- In this case, Kratos didn’t hesitate from showing off his more emotional side as a way of empathizing with Brok’s discovery.
4. “Sometimes, loving someone is about choosing the lesser pain.” – Surtr

5. “Death can have me, when it earns me.” – Kratos
Another one of our best quotes from God of War: Ragnarok is when Kratos is talking to Freya. As they prepare to seek the Norns during The Word of Fate chapter in the game, Freya is surprised to find out that Kratos has a death prophecy. According to the Giants, Kratos will die in the near future during his journey with Atreus.- At first, Freya thinks that Kratos is afraid of death. However, Kratos rebutted this with one of the most epic quotes in God of War: Ragnarok. It may also be a nod to the fact that he sold his soul long ago to Ares. Whatever the case may be, Christopher Judge’s performance really sold us when he delivered this line.