Home » The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – All Stables | Locations

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – All Stables | Locations

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom - All Stables Locations - Featured

The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom has Stables spread throughout the game’s vast map. At these locations, Link can do all sorts of things. Some things you can do at these establishments are register your horse, get a good night’s sleep, talk to NPCs, shop, and encounter side quests. If you’re only beginning your journey in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, then it’s best to learn the locations of all the Stables in the game. Keep reading our guide to find out more!

Locations of All Stables in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom

There should be 16 Stables you can visit in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. Of course, discovering them requires Link to venture into the unknown. One of the most telling signs that you are near a Stable is if you see puffs of smoke in the air. Most of the time, you can find a Stable if you follow those puffy clouds of smoke you see above the trees.

Here is the complete list of all the Stables in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. We have also included the coordinates so you can easily find these establishments:

  • Snowfield Stable (-1630, 2587, 0234)
  • Tabantha Bridge Stable (-2919, 0546, 0169)
  • New Serenne Stable (-1348, 0745, 0085)
  • Gerudo Canyon Stable (-2773, -2240, 0029)
  • Outskirt Stable (1404, -1266, 0032)
  • Riverside Stable (0326, -1087, 0009)
  • Woodland Stable (1057, 1122, 0022)
  • Wetland Stable (0914, -0248, 0034)
  • Highland Stable (0516, -3442, 0047)
  • Lakeside Stable (1547, -3535-0061)
  • Dueling Peaks Stable (1757, -1957, 0010)
  • Foothill Stable (2610, 1144, 0148)
  • South Akkala Stable (3125, 1687, 0201)
  • East Akkala Stable (4254, 2737, 0125)

Here are the Mini Stables you will also encounter in the game:

  • Southwest of Central Hyrule Mini Stable (-1689, -1663, 0022)
  • Lookout Landing Mini Stable (0253, 0053, 0019)

Stable Services

  • Register Horses. After registering the Wild Horse you just tamed, they will become Link’s official companion. You can summon them from any Stable in the game after they’re registered.
  • Get a good night’s sleep. Stables also offer lodging services to Link. This comes at a cost, as Link has two options: the Regular Bed and the Malanya Bed. If you sleep on the Malanya Bed, Link wakes up with three extra Golden Hearts.
  • Earn Pony Points in exchange for services. As you avail services from Stables, Link earns Pony Points. The first time you register a Horse, the employee will automatically give Link a Pony Points card. The more points you have, the more rewards you will get.
  • Interact with NPCs and activate Side Quests. If you want to take a break from the main story, you can do so by interacting with the NPCs here. Some will give you side quests in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
  • Find Merchants. Stables are also where you can find traveling merchants or shopkeepers.

We hope this guide helped you discover the Stables’ locations in The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom! Please let us know in the comments below if we missed any. For more content, stay with us here at Spiel Times.

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